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What exactly is bum marketing

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What exactly is bum marketing

I have been hearing that phrase alot lately;bum marketing.What is it exactly?
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From my knowledge, the Phrase "Bum Marketing" was originally started by Travis Sago over at the warrior forum.
He Gave it that name because his wife basically told him he could take a bum off the street and help him to make money.
( No Offence to the so called Bums ) I actually hate that word, but that's another discussion.
Basically, It is Article Marketing.
Mark teaches this and in a more thorough fashion in my opinion.

So my take is Bum Marketing = Article Marketing and traffic generation using free methods.

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Bum Marketing is Article Marketing where the keyword research focuses on very long tail keywords. This makes the keyword phrase very targeted and easier for the article to be ranked by the search engines and get targeted traffic.

For example, if you are marketing in the weight loss niche and you do bum marketing you might have an article written for (or write an article on) "how to lose weight after pregnancy". This might not get a lot of traffic but this is very targeted. And because of this, bum marketers constantly research for very long tail keywords in a vast majority of niches and just write articles after articles or just outsource them.

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I signed up for his eCourse back in 09 and as I started looking into my Inbox I found this and thought it might Help Someone....

"How do you write articles and sell something you haven't bought?"

And that is a really good question!

First...your "job" as an affiliate is NOT
to sell!


That's right...See your job is actually to presell.

Here's an example, say you are researching and writing
an article on...

Tips on removing acne fast...

A searcher typing this in would be very grateful for some
great tips...with research being so easy online it
wouldn't take much to write a fantastic article saving your
reader time...and hassle.

Think of yourself as a researcher and time saver.

THEN you put a link to an ebook or acne remedy that they may be interested
in as well.

Remember your "job" as an affiliate is to "presell" not sell...

So in your bio you could say...

Did you know 90% of acne is caused by 3 major factors? Find out exactly what
they are and how easily it is to solve them here www.yourlink.com

Curiosity...is one of the most powerful motivators...and you don't have to
lie, cheat, or hype!

Your article + a curiosity creating bio = a great presell

Isn't that great news?

You can feel GOOD about the articles you write...because you are helping
readers save time, hassle and providing quality information.
PLUS you can "presell" and make money at the same time.

This is true of all types of affiliate promotions. Whether
you are using blogs, PPC, email or SEO.

All you have to do is answer the "question" your readers
have on their mind and "presell" a solution that would
benefit them as well.

Now you can do reviews...and reviews CAN be very powerful,
but they are NOT the only way! Especially, if you are not
at a point where you can afford to buy the product.

I would be happy to cover reviews at a later date, if you
would be interested. Just get in touch and let me know!

Keep On Bummin',
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Fear is the mind killer...after it has past only I will remain....
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Hello...Great idea. Reviews or news writing on those articles sharing websites are welcomed, especially those original articles. But many websites also said once you posted the article, they have rights to share it even press it, and at the mean while, many websites limited the links we can add in the article, so my suggestion is build your own website, even it's a simplest wordpress blog, you must believe high quality original content still the most valuable thing on internet.
Hellin Knighting

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@Jono5 - Thanks for sharing that article.
Remember your "job" as an affiliate is to "presell" not sell...
is a nice way of putting affiliate marketing in perspective. Bum marketing commonly refers to marketing techniques that require the least amount of effort and money. While I think this particular form or marketing works, it still requires you to get out there and work on your sites.
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Sounds like I fall into the "Bum" category - oo'er
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essexboyracer wrote:Sounds like I fall into the "Bum" category - oo'er

Because of living on the street, or based on your marketing methods?
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List not growing fast enough?
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i might end up living on the street if my marketing methods don't produce results!
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Bum Marketing is a unique form of Article Marketing. It’s one of the ways to get started in Internet Marketing without any money.
Bum Marketing is all about making quick affiliate sales after identifying a specific targeted market using no more than well-written, keyword-rich articles that appeal to a specific pool of hungry buyers. The successful Bum Marketer works to locate people in total buy mode. People who are desperately seeking immediate solutions and answers to their problems. Bum Marketing is a lot like regular Article Marketing except the primary focus is on making money quickly selling affiliate products as opposed to building back links and lists.
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Well then just decide that failure is not an option and keep up the faith!
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List not growing fast enough?
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info8 wrote:Bum Marketing is a unique form of Article Marketing. It’s one of the ways to get started in Internet Marketing without any money.
Bum Marketing is all about making quick affiliate sales after identifying a specific targeted market using no more than well-written, keyword-rich articles that appeal to a specific pool of hungry buyers. The successful Bum Marketer works to locate people in total buy mode. People who are desperately seeking immediate solutions and answers to their problems. Bum Marketing is a lot like regular Article Marketing except the primary focus is on making money quickly selling affiliate products as opposed to building back links and lists.

I must say this thread grabbed my attention solely cos of the term 'bum' - hehe!

This is really interesting though - have never heard of the term nor concept before. Thanks for explaining it so well :)
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I wonder how many people are still bumming it after Panda? The article directories were hit the hardest.
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JC Dean
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A lot of people think of article directories when they hear bum marketing, but to me it is the idea of using someone elses authority combined with some of your own hard work. Ezine used to show up high for loads of terms, maybe not so much now. Those high rankings are still being taken up by authority sites though. A certain video site comes to mind. Web 2.0 sites can still be seen high up.

I think there are many ways you could apply the idea of bum marketing outside of the search engines. I think the idea of bum marketing is still very much alive and always will be.
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chettvq24 wrote:A lot of people think of article directories when they hear bum marketing, but to me it is the idea of using someone elses authority combined with some of your own hard work. Ezine used to show up high for loads of terms, maybe not so much now. Those high rankings are still being taken up by authority sites though. A certain video site comes to mind. Web 2.0 sites can still be seen high up.

I think there are many ways you could apply the idea of bum marketing outside of the search engines. I think the idea of bum marketing is still very much alive and always will be.

In a way, all sorts of internet marketing may be termed as bum marketing when it comes down to it - what do you think?
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Posts: 25
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Hello there,

Thanks for sharing your valuable tips for marketing, Bum marketing, also called article marketing is a way to promote a website for free. Getting targeted visitors to a website is the hardest part of internet marketing. There are numerous ways to generate traffic and each method needs to be used in a certain way. Bum marketing is a great way to be targeted traffic to any website of your choice. This is done by submitting your own original articles to various article directories.

Thanks a lot
Hellin Knighting
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Register yourself at various online focus group collectives and start the ball rolling straight away.
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Bum Marketing consists of submitting original pieces of content to websites reviewing products or services. When visitors click on an affiliate link in the author's biography and make a purchase, a handsome commission can be made on that sale.
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Posts: 36
Joined: 23 May 12
Hello...Great idea. Reviews or news writing on those articles sharing websites are welcomed, especially those original articles. But many websites also said once you posted the article, they have rights to share it even press it, and at the mean while, many websites limited the links we can add in the article, so my suggestion is build your own website, even it's a simplest wordpress blog, you must believe high quality original content still the most valuable thing on internet.
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As the phrase implies, bum marketing makes easy to promote your articles with a bum. It is similar to blogging except the fact that it allows you to create mini sites on a certain topic. It is one of the top ways to generate money through the Internet.
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