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Twitter For Marketing?

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Twitter For Marketing?

Hello Affilorama,

Do you guys see any major use of Twitter for your site promoting? I feel like I do waste quite a lot of time on Twitter when I could be doing a lot of other tasks?
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kate reber
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No. Twitter would be just one of my backup methods.
I mostly work on forum posting and SEO...
really have to work hard to be on top10 of SERP :)
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It depends on what type of marketing. Since we're on Affilorama, I'm guessing Affiliate marketing is your main means. It can help generate some traffic, but Twitter may not be best for you in my opinion. SERPs, as kate said, may be better as it is more specific to your audience's needs when they search for your keywords.
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I do use it, but mainly for syndication at the moment. I do know of people who use it extensively to get new prospects and build connections though. If you want to concentrate on social media as a traffic source then definitely it should be one of the tools you utilize.

Just remember though, that at the end of the day it's about the people you get to connect with when it comes to social media. The links do help somewhat in terms of SEO but I think that's more like a bonus. The real benefit comes when people follow those links and read your content. Then you need to ask yourself, when that happens, is what they read going to be of value? Will they want to retweet this? If you can get that right, you can potentially have your content go viral bringing in scores of new prospects. THAT I feel, is the real power of social media. :)

I'm not sure I answered your question properly but I hope that was useful.

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Agree with Joshua :)

Twitter is a great tool if you want search engines to index your site and backlinks quickly. If you want to use it as a marketing tool, you need to find people who are interested in your niche, share valuable information to your followers, and share your links only ocassionally. The more information you give people to relate to, the more followers you will have. You could tell them that more details can be found on your site, but don't do hard selling.
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twitter is good but facebook is better than twitter for marketing
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Social media is great for building up a follwiing and brand awareness, but not necessarily to promote products. Honestly, think about social media like going to a friends party.
If you go in and start shouting at everyone to buy a product, your friends will either ignore you or kick you out.

But, if you go in and talk to people, getting to know them, and then offer a low key recommmendation, then you can generate a lot of help. Social media in general is more about what other people say about you than what you say about yourself.

For example, on twitter, its not what i say about my blog that matters. it is about the people who follow my blog, retweet my posts, and tell their friends and followers to listen to what I have said in a post.

I rarely actually promote a product directly on twitter. sometiimes I may do a tweet about a free offer with an affilaite link ( tweeted about the TT free report/video yesterday for example, ) but even that should be used sparingly.

Generally, I spend more time tweeting about other people's websites. Social media works a lot on the buddy system. you tweet my stuff I will tweet yours, especially among bloggers.
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twitter and facebook are not great for marketing a product as they are interuptive. ie, the person wasn't on there to see your ad.

Search engine is far stronger, as they have actually typed something in.
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It's not a complete waste of time to promote your site in Twitter, but don't overdo it or spend huge amounts of time in it. Work on it alongside your SEO for better results. :)
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I do get occasional clicks from Twitter and Facebook but I think the conversion is far weaker.
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Really I find that the people who fail to get benefit from social media is because they dont use them right. Social media takes a lot of really hard work to get right. I spend hours of my time chatting with people, socializing, and promoting other people's stuff. When I do promote my own stuff, I get a lot better response.

With social media, its not what you say about your site or your business that matters, its what others say. if you network with the bloggers in your niche, and promote their stuff, and you have a really high quality site, and they like your content, (which frankly this is the biggest place most affiliate sites FAIL) they will share your site with their readers.

If you just start promoting your links, and don't join the conversation, you won't get far.

Think of social media like going to a friends house where he is having a party. If you go in and start trying to sell people something at the party, people are going to either get pissed off, or just simply ignore you.

IF you go in and converse with people, and get to know them, then they will introduce you to their friends, and talk about you with other people in a positive way.

This is the same approach you should take to social media. you have to join the conversation and give a lot of value to the people there before you ask for anything in return. It becomes a hard balance to build those relationships but still promote your site, but if you invest time into it and really learn how it is done, you can build some really great authority quickly.
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Twitter has been the backbone of establishing a number of clients for me. It has been responsible for around £1,000 turnover per month. So, for me Twitter is an excellent marketing tool.
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Many people recognized the benefit of using Twitter as a marketing tool. You can start generating site traffic using twitter. But you can't use it for your business the same way you use it for your personal life. You can use different marketing tools like Hootsuite and tweetdeck which allows you to schedule updates, and organize your twitter accounts and activity.
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I agree with Jim Pruitt it is how you use Twitter that determines whether the time spent is productive or not. Most people on Twitter are not participating to be SOLD something. Provide value to those that have subscribed.

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I would like to say, Twitter is simple to use, yet it is really powerful. You might need a couple of hours to get familiar with the basic functionality of Twitter and of some of the extras it has, but you can harness its power, even if you don't know it very well.

Nice to meet you
Hellin Knighting
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newstart wrote: Most people on Twitter are not participating to be SOLD something. Provide value to those that have subscribed.


This is true. While you can connect with a lot of people in Twitter, these same people does not necessarily mean buyers. So you will find that, although you get traffic from Twitter, the sales they bring in is not so high. It's great for promoting your website though, like if you have a new article/post. You can tweet that to your followers. Just make sure you have a call to action link or two on that article to try and get those visitors to buy in.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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relentless dan
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Hey everyone,

thanks for all the info, I just set up a facebook fan page which links to twitter and auto updates the twitter account whenever i post on the facebook page. Thought it was a cool feature and just wanted to share. I've heard twitter can be an effective way to promote your site too, how exactly is still something not entirely clear I think.
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Hi Relentless Dan,

Twitter and Facebook are great when promoting your websites, but you would first need to build a "following" or connect with a lot of people. When you have a new article or review out, you can tweet it or shout it out to all your friends and acquaintances and if they visit your article, that's traffic to your site.
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Twitter along with Facebook are excellent avenues to keep in touch with your customer base. It allows you to build a relationship with people. Your tweets and FB participation build your known personality. It is difficult to impossible to feel close to a sales machine, however a friend that occasionally sells something can build or create a social relationship between both parties.

Those that follow have already shown a disposition to learn about you. This should be capitalized upon, building a long-term trusted relationship. After a relationship is built when a need arises they are more likely to purchase from someone they trust than a total stranger.

I believe this is the value of social media. The creation of relationships along with the building of trust.

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if you go in and talk to people, getting to know them, and then offer a low key recommmendation, then you can generate a lot of help. Social media in general is more about what other people say about you than what you say about yourself.
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StephenUk wrote:Hello Affilorama,

Do you guys see any major use of Twitter for your site promoting? I feel like I do waste quite a lot of time on Twitter when I could be doing a lot of other tasks?

I see sales coming with the help of Twitter ... so for me is not a waste of time.
May be you don't do enough.
I automaticaly update my account at 2 minutes.
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I think it is good. As with everything else...If you have targeted followers.

Like followers interested in weight loss and you are promoting weight loss.

But, it does take work.
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hi thanks for your information
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If you write alot of articles and content for your website, twitter is great. I always tweet my new articles during peak hours. The key to getting a lot of followers is following others and interacting with them. Their followers see their interactions.
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Twitter and other social media also help in promoting or marketing your site. Especially nowadays, a lot of people are into that thing. But don't rely and focus with it only. Try to work on SEO too for better result.
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I have seen people getting 1k followers in 2-3 days and then they post their URL. I don't know how on earth they get so many followers in one or two days.
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Hi ssohana36,

I know what you mean. It takes time to build up a large following, but I know that there are ways to get a lot of followers and the quickest is to buy them. Now I haven't tried nor looked into that and I don't recommend it either. What you want is to get followers that are part of your target market and I don't think you can achieve that by buying followers. Here's a nice article on how you can get followers on Twitter.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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It's pretty funny but I just saw that you can actually purchase Twitter posts for websites and stuff- did you ever try that ? I think I will - it seems usefull!
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@webmasters - I haven't tried it and I don't think I will be any time soon. It comes across to me like it defeats the purpose of the entire thing. You want to build a following of targeted consumers, not just any @john in Twitter. Also, if you look at some of these "buy Twitter followers" companies, they send you inactive Twitter followers. So you get a lot of followers, but what type of followers do you have?

I am interested though in other marketers' experiences with these type of services. If you get to try it, please let us know how it all went for you. :)

Have a good day!
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Hey Cecile - Thank you for the advice.. I was thinking to approach websites that are dealing with affiliates as well - wouldn't that be a targeted audience?

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Hi webmasters,

Yes, you have a point there. Have you found any that deal with affiliates too?

Have a good weekend!
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No not yet - any suggestions?


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Hi Kate,

I don't have any at the moment but I will check on that. I also want to share SocialOomph, a Twitter automation tool that helps you get many followers through Twitter.

Have a good day!
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Ok - Thank you, I would really appreciate that :)
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We have some partners using Twitter as their main marketing method, and i see very nice results.
For most people i would say it shouldn't be the main marketing method, but some work in twitter wouldn't hurt )

Good luck !
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