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Submitting the same article to more than one site

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Joined: 06 Apr 12

Submitting the same article to more than one site

i was reading a post : "Submitting the same article to more than one directory", the post was locked so i could not reply. i had 2 questions, 1) what software do people use to submit an article to Multi directories? 2) this post (i am assuming) was about posting article that were paid based on ads and page views. what if i am writing small articles that i am submitting for a flat rate fee such as $15.00 - $45.00? the page views would make little difference as i would only be interested in my up front fee for the article. can i submit articles like these to multiple sites? do people do this?

thanks jason
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Hi Jason,

1) what software do people use to submit an article to Multi directories?

I don't think there's a software or application you can use to automatically submit to various directories. Using spinner apps like The Best Spinner or Article Spinner can speed up the rewrite/spinning process and then you can submit to different directories.

I am confused by your second inquiry. Could you please elaborate?

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Recent and ongoing algorithm changes are meant to penalize this type of mass article submission, low quality link building so I wouldn't recommend it, even if it does continue to work for a short time longer.
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Due to the latest Google Penguin update, distributing the same content may result in a lowered page ranking.
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Hi there!

I think, submitting one and same article to different sites or directories may cause some consequences. And just as what the other affilorama members said, it may cause lower page ranking. The best way to be sure and have an effective promotion of a certain product, or if you merely want to create traffic for your site, it is better to use not just one article. Besides, there are many applications which can help you rewrite your article such as The Best Spinner.
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buckshotbayou wrote:i was reading a post : "Submitting the same article to more than one directory", the post was locked so i could not reply. i had 2 questions, 1) what software do people use to submit an article to Multi directories? 2) this post (i am assuming) was about posting article that were paid based on ads and page views. what if i am writing small articles that i am submitting for a flat rate fee such as $15.00 - $45.00? the page views would make little difference as i would only be interested in my up front fee for the article. can i submit articles like these to multiple sites? do people do this?

thanks jason

i will not recommend you to use some sort of automated software to post your article at different sites.
i was doing this job for the last 2 years but manually .
although it is a time consuming but effective and permanent way of posting .

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This topic was started on Apr 06, 2012 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
