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Solo Ads?

Posts: 18
Joined: 10 Oct 15

Solo Ads?

I am having a hard time figuring out how and where to buy solo ads for my niche (survival).

Does anyone have any pointers they can offer me? Mark recommends targeting political blogs (for my niche), so do I search for those blogs and email them requesting a solo ad? What kind of email should I tell them to send?

Do you know of any marketplace that I can find sellers offering solo ads?

Lastly, what kind of experience have you had using solo ads?
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Posts: 17
Joined: 08 Sep 15
I've been looking for solo ad brokers like at fiverr and udimi. It's not been a great success but I'm slowly getting subscribers and testing my ads.
I am going to force myself to do the reaching out like Mark recommends since I think it's good for me.
And I think I'm going to add in FB ads. They have really good demographics to filter.
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Hi Lara,
I found a solo ad vendor but it's more than I want to spend now. ($2,100 to his list of 300k) For now I am using FB ads and I am getting optins but it's costing me close to $1 a subscriber.
I too am going to force myself to reach out to other sites in my niche and propose the solo ad to them.
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Joined: 08 Sep 15
In this discussion ppc/solo-ads-advice-for-beginners-t28347.html
Someone recommended Clickonomy
"There is another online marketplace you might want to check out.

It is called Clickonomy and founded by Anik Singal and his student Ritoban.

It works pretty much like Clickbank but focused more on solo ads.

What is so special is that they will screen every solo ad seller trying to advertise their services and if those sellers don't deliver clicks as they promised to customers, Anik will not release the funds to them.

Go and check out at clickonomy.com"

So I'm going to check that out too.
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Posts: 18
Joined: 10 Oct 15
Thank you, I found one that I can work with, at $1 per click I will try it out and see how things go
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This topic was started on Oct 25, 2015 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
