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Social media success

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Social media success

Hi all can you share your thought What are some general tips for social media success?
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Posts: 26
Joined: 15 Apr 19
Post consistently. Let your fire and personality glow. Take Part in discussions. Answer questions. Invite audience participation. Provide invaluable content publicly, without becoming sales-y. And be more creative.
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Site Admin
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Choose quality content for marketing. This applies to your social media marketing as well. If you know well your audience, then it is not that hard to promote your business online through content that they need, no maatter what plaatform it is- whether on your website, doing off page SEO, or on social media.
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Not sure which Affilorama tool you need? Take the quiz! https://www.affilorama.com/redirect/quiz

Web: https://www.affilorama.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/affilorama
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/affilorama

"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." ~Sidhhartha Guatama
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Quickly Master Social Media
-Make a commitment to social media.
-Show off your personality.
-Listen to customers rather than promote.
-Focus your efforts on a select networks.
-Remember that success follows passion
*Moderator removed link*
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Last edited by maryt on 19 Jun 19 10:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: promotional

Posts: 36
Joined: 07 Jun 19
Thanks for sharing the informative informative. I think social media is helpful for increasing traffic.
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Facebook ads are doing great for building a list. I give away a free product that is shipped to someones door and my conversions are excellent.
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Earn $69.90 Per Commission As An Affiliate Plus Discover How To Get The Traffic Sent For You.... Go to https://theresidualclub.com
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I think Social media is best to generate traffic on your website or blog but you need to create a strong content otherwise your bounce rate will increase so its totally depend on your target audiences & Content Creation
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Creating a media presence that is fantastic is about showing the worth of your product or service. It is about connection and experiences. The top brands out there share a point of view. Success on social is not about displaying your product.
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Professional social media management company can spot trends, as well as new ways to help your business succeed online. Fint out how >> https://www.sociallyin.com/
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Nice, thanks)content otherwise your bounce rate will increase so its totally depend on your target audiences & Content Creation
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Posts: 91
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1. Make a Plan
2. Create Quality content
3. Include more creative visual content
4. Be responsive to audience comments/queries
5. Measure metrics
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Posts: 18
Joined: 25 Jun 19
Here are some general tips for social media success as follows:-
Make plan first
Choose an effective social media platform (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube)
Target your audiences
Social Media Marketing
Prefer HD Quality Images
Quality over Quantity
Prefer right Automation Tools
Run Contest
Take advantages of Video Marketing
Engage with Audiences, etc.
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Posts: 32
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Focus your efforts on a pick networks.
Remember that success follows fire.
Show off your character.
Create a commitment to social media.
Get the most from your content.
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Posts: 85
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Take a second to think about the brands that you follow on social media. Creating a great social media presence isn't only about showing the value of your product or service to your audience. It's about connection and experiences. The best brands out there share a common point of view with their fans.
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Use Custom Images.
Stock graphics while they could come in handy aren't the best method to capture your audience's interest.
Utilize User-Generated Content. Content is the very best.
Share In Real-Time.
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Using influencer marketing platforms should make a great success if used properly. This one *moderator removed link* has a number of tools used for better strategies managing - data analysis, generating posts for social media etc.
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Last edited by maryt on 30 Aug 19 2:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: promotional

Posts: 15
Joined: 23 Aug 19
Tips to become a success in social media are:
If you're running ads on social media platforms you need to know the following tips
A. Know your audience.
B. Know which type of creative(image/ video) works for your business.
C. Go with a split test
D. Your creative should be amazing (engaging & attracting user intention).
E. Know which CTA button works for your business.
F. Write the content simple, amazing & emotionally.
G. Think from a user perspective.
H. Be active on social media and post regularly to grow globally.
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Social Media Success Strategy #1: Always Be Individual Make certain your interactions on account like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest, are personable and real. Say hello to folks in the early hours, upgrade them and share tales which will be of interest.
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1. Make a Plan
2. Create Quality content
3. Include more creative visual content
4. Be responsive to audience comments/queries
5. Measure metrics
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Posts: 36
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Quality content and high quality back links are way to success on social media makreting.
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Posting at the right time is one of the main tip to success in social media.

The Best Time To Post On Social Media

*Facebook – Between 1 PM and 4 PM
*LinkedIn – Between 5 PM and 6 PM
*Twitter – Between 12 PM and 3 PM
*Instagram – Between 8 AM – 9 AM, 2 AM and 5 PM

Hope this tip will be useful.

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The biggest share and promotion, for that you really need to hire some additional person for that matter absolutely anyway. I do want to get back on track with that. I do want you to get going with that.....SMM manager on salary with the skills can help you with that.
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