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Promoting a sneakers blog

Posts: 16
Joined: 13 Apr 23

Promoting a sneakers blog

I've been helping a buddy of mine with his sneakers blog (mostly stuff about Nike Air Force 1, Adidas Grand Court and other popular models), but we're struggling to find new domains to engage with. We have established connections with similar bloggers and we do shuffle opportunities around, but it seems like a closed-off circle as of now :)

Perhaps someone can share an idea for other types of domains we should consider including in our network?
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Posts: 51
Joined: 15 Nov 22
Hey, great job picking a fun and always "in" niche! It really seems like a spot-on topic for affiliate links!

I'd suggest that you look into the branching niches of sports or footwear accessories too. For example, I know there are brands focusing on making AF1 laces specifically (even one with gold aglets for bonus Insta points!), tennis socks to go with something like the Grand Court sneakers, and so on.

Also, since the models you mentioned are quite popular among females as well, perhaps you could team up with bloggers focusing on trendy wear as well?
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