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Problems with publishing blogs through Wordpress

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Joined: 14 Mar 07

Problems with publishing blogs through Wordpress

I have my site up and running and today I was trying to put my blog up through wordpress. I couldnt get it to install so I wrote to my hosting admin and he told me to delete index_php or something like that to download it to my domain. Oh so that you know I am working with a cpanel. So I did that and wordpress installed and then it turned my whole site into the blog. Now I need to know how to have my website up and running with a blog included in that. I am really confused but I am basically computer illiterate. I deleted wordpress. How do I get it to all work. Can someone explain it to me in simple terms so that I can understand.

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Just put the blog files in a separate folder. If you leave the blog stuff on your root directory, then your domain will turn into a blog, but add a folder called blog and put everything in there. Should make everything easier :)
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Just go to the bottom of your control panel and look for a blue smilie face labeled Fantastico - click it.

Look in the right sidebar for "wordpress" - click it

make sure your old install isn't still there, it would say "current installations" if it was.

Now look to the right where it says "new installation" - click it

See where it says install on domain? Use the pull down arrow to look for the domain you want to install the blog. If you see yourdomain.yourhostingaccountdomain.com look down one more until you see just yourdomian.com -note: if it's not there you haven't added it correctly in the add a domain section... and that's a whole 'nother can of beans ;)

Now, where it says "install in directory" - you must decide if you want the blog to be your website leave that blank OR if you want your blog to be located in another directory like yourdomain.com/blog then you would either write blog here or whatever description you want such as keyword-blog or just keyword ---

Fill in the rest of the information on the page, should be self explanatory but if not just ask ;) and click install -- you’re done!

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Thank you for your help once again. I got it to work. Now if I can just figure out how to link the blog to my website. Any suggestions.

Thanks again.
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What exactly do you mean? Just add a link to your website from your blog? Or am I missing something?
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LOL I am a space cadet. I found the answer on my own. Sorry for asking a dumb question.

Feeling kind of silly,
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Good stuff Cadet :)

Don't feel bad for asking simple questions, if I did, I'd be sooo depressed hehe. It's a great way to learn.
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