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Paying $69/y for pr6 site w/100K visitors/month good or bad?

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Joined: 26 Jun 09

Paying $69/y for pr6 site w/100K visitors/month good or bad?

I just found a very interesting link directory site. From what I have gathered it gets on average 100,000 unique visitors per month. It is a PR6 site that seems quite good. Anyway, I was going to submit my site if I could untill I saw that it was $69 USD per year or $199 USD lifetime. I sat back and just looked at my computer for a while trying to figure out if this might be a worth while investment. Just think 100,000 potential visitors to my site per month. Any thoughts.
This is the site I found.
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Paul J. Burkhardt
Posts: 1895
Joined: 01 Jun 09
The word that we should focus on there is "potential". While that site may average 100k unique visitors a month, there is no guarantee that any of them will click on the link to your website.
I would rather sign up for PPC if I have to pay. At least with PPC I would be paying only for actual clicks.
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Posts: 216
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You are absolutely correct now that I think about it.
I should not let myself stray from the affilorama formula.
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Paul J. Burkhardt
Posts: 14
Joined: 27 Jul 10
faradina wrote:The word that we should focus on there is "potential". While that site may average 100k unique visitors a month, there is no guarantee that any of them will click on the link to your website.
I would rather sign up for PPC if I have to pay. At least with PPC I would be paying only for actual clicks.

I agree with Faradina, I don't really trust these sites. I mean how certain are you to get 100k visitors "potential" to visit your site. They haven't really promoted themselves really well.. something about it just gives me the "think twice" warning signs in my head...

If anyone has tried this method please let us know if it really works... to me I'm a guy with show me proof before I buy....

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I completely agree with Faradina. The key word here is "potential". The website you mentioned may get 100k visitors per month, but what about their subscribers? I would suggest that you do some research first. I mean, before actually searching for this site, were you even familiar with ezilon.com?
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Posts: 31
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I've never paid to be in this directory but found my site when I entered a broad keyword. Maybe they take listing from Google anyway??
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Posts: 31
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Just checked my logs for past 3 months not one person sent from search.ezilon and I averaged 427 visists per day. If you buy a listing you might get some link juice but I doubt you'll get any traffic.
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First know about the way directory works.... If you visit a directory, you will be asked to post inside the exact category, for example business or health.. even the main folder will have sub-folder and this folder might have another sub-folder.. For example, Business-----Investment------Stock trading... Imagine your website is under stock trading.. Do you really think the 100,000 visitors will get into this category..... Even if they get inside, remember you are not the only one paid for your website.. The chances of getting clicked is very less... I am not trying to be pessimistic.. But what i am trying to say is instead of spending money, concentrate in your content and try to attract search engine.. Thats the best way forward...
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also out of those 100,000 visitors, how many are other marketers getting conned into their scam? sorry but most of those sites aer a scam and they are just ripping people off for no reward. you get a listing,but no traffic and no good link juice. the home page may be pr 6 but the page where your site will be listed is PR 0

There are plenty of Better free sites. I can get more link juice for writing one guest post and posting it on a blog. So, unless you want to throw your money away dont waste your time, (and if you do want to throw your money away, PM me and I will help you out)
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Thanks for the input.
Paul Burkhardt
Never Give Up!
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Paul J. Burkhardt
Posts: 28
Joined: 07 Mar 11
i would go for it, because click rates in directories are very low and if your site will be in a category that people dont even find there than you might get only few visitors a month.

but if you stil think it worth it you can try for a year and than decide if you want to continue with it. i also recomand that you will contact them and ask to pay for 1 month to evaluate their service
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Posts: 24
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i would avoid
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