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Outsourcing: A Solution to Online Business?

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Outsourcing: A Solution to Online Business?

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Internet spam... check it out, this posting appears ALL OVER the internet.
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Outsourcing is not really THE solution to online business but it can help a lot towards accomplishing many of the tasks involved in running a business, whether it be online or not.
There are major telecommunications companies and ISP providers that outsource their customer and technical support; I know this because I worked for some through a business process outsourcing company. And these are not online businesses. They do have a web presence but their operations are what you would call "bricks-and-mortar". Outsourcing certain functions helps them achieve their business targets.
The key is actually getting someone to help you when you can not do everything yourself. It need not be outsourced. You can hire someone directly. Or you can have a quid pro quo arrangement with somebody whose skills complement yours.
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I agree Faradina, and being a freelance writer, that may sound like I am shooting myself in the foot. However, I always recommend that people do everything for their first site if they can.

This way you understand the value of the work you are looking for. As a writer, I get frustrated with people asking me if I will write for $2-$3/ article. you can get articles that cheap, but you also get what you pay for. Don't expect great content, and don't expect to get someone to work with you for that price.

Personally, i prefer to work with repeat clients, and build up a working relationship, rather than a one time client who i may never hear from again.

I also recommend looking for someone who can trade services and help each other out.
I have a friend who runs a link building service, so we traded off. I wrote him a few articles, and he built links to one of my sites. We both got something done that we hate doing ourselves, and both of our websites are better off for it.
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Do you want to use your online content to Educate others, inspire them to action, and run a profitable business for yourself and your family? I can help you get started
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$2-3 an article really is the pits and I would not expect good content there. It takes time to research and write good articles, not to mention TALENT. Those who have not written their own tend to undervalue articles. Of course they learn in time that you usually get what you pay for, and that's when remorse comes in.
You're not necessarily shooting yourself in the foot, James :) There will always be great demand for great writers such as yourself.
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Thank you Faradina. ITS MY AB BIRTHDAY. I started a year ago today with AB.

when i started AB, I didn't think that I would be able to get through my first 10 articles. Now, between my writing clients and my own sites, I write about 10-15 per day. It gets easier the more you do it. Also the skill improves.

I was looking through some of my original articles from my first website today. No wonder it did not make many sales. my writing was terrible. However, over time, and with a lot of help, writing content is now one of my favorite things to do.
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Too bad spell check keeps marking up your text, bro ;)

Or at least, the ones it catches... Doesn't catch homophones too well ;)

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I use a lot of those $2-$3 articles but mainly for building backlinks and not as much for my main sites. The content of my main sites is normally way more costlier but i think its worth it.
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Belated happy birthday, James! Too bad I didn't see your post earlier, so I could have greeted you on time. Oh well, they do say better late than never :)

My own birthday as Affilorama staff also came and went and I did not even remember it. I joined the team on 1st June 2009. I hardly noticed that a year had gone by!

@sonitin, that would indeed be good use for the articles. I'm sure that there are also good articles to be had at that price; it all depends on the writer.
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i agree.
When I started freelancing I was doing $3-$5 articles, and after being chewed out by clients for not charging them more, I raised my prices.

its funny, I never expected people to complain because I gave them too much quality ....

thanks for the Late reply Faradina.

I know my spelling is bad ( it is an inherited trait). that is why I have someone else proofread all my articles for me :D
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Do you want to use your online content to Educate others, inspire them to action, and run a profitable business for yourself and your family? I can help you get started

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