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Mr K strategy snag

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Mr K strategy snag

Hey everyone,

I am trying to implement some of the Mr. K strategy, but I get issues when I build my hubpages.
Seems I am being overly promotional because my article on the hub and the links in the RSS from
a Blogger blog point to the same url.

Any suggestions on how to get the backlinks without irritating hubpages? Am I doing this incorrectly?

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hubpages is a pain sometimes, try and publish your hub then add links 3-4 days later. Also one link per page tends to be enough to appease them. Any more and they get upset.
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Thanks, will give it a shot.
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I've also spotted another issue with the Mr. K method. Bumpzee is no longer live. It's been shut down. In fact if you read the Bumpzee blog (which is still live at http://www.bumpzee.com/blog/) it's seems to have been down for ages. The last post about the problems they were having is now over a year old! Which seems a little strange!

Anybody know of any other services as a substitute that do the same as what Bumpzee did?

Many thanks!
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I'm not that familiar with Bumpzee but I know you can add your blog RSS to places like Technorati.com or even your Facebook page.
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To be honest, I have a strange feeling after I have tested some of the ways described in the Mr K strategy.

Here are the main issues I found:
1. Squidoo does not show the complete post, only the RSS headline. Therefore no 2 more backlinks
2. Hubpages show only excerpt of Squidoo Page, also minus 2 backlinks. I shows the whole article of my blog but now with links and here go the last 2 backlinks.
3. Tumblr.com - One of this crap pages. I simply do not know where my article vanished, also no real backlinks as the RSS feed and other links are not shown. I also simply do not understand how this "blogging software" works. Very poorly explained!!!
4. Bumpzee.com - No longer actual

Maybe this affronts people, but I think the system mentioned in the Affiloblueprint course as a very smooth strategy is not working very properly. Pages changed the behaviour and I think, the course should be updated.

This is the first big disappointment with Marks course as everything else is fantastic and amazing.

What are your suggestions / experiences / answers?
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Last edited by michellerana on 05 Nov 09 6:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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When I build link wheels, I try to use rss feeds, sometimes as you pointed out, this does not work so well, if the web 2 property has disabled the html etc, in this case you can still put a 'link' to your other article, but I think there is a very important lesson here, if you cross link all your web2 propeties(blogs etc) do not 'close the wheel' or you will be slapped by google.

Also, do not make links reciprocal, they should be 1 way.

1)eg:hubpages points to your money site(this can be any web2) then you take the rss from your hub(in hubpages this is harder than it looks you need to go right click and view source, then search for rss - you will find the link to the actual hub (the one on hubpages is a conglomeration of all your hubs) copy url. (use an excel spreadsheet so you dont get confused

2)create blogger blog -intect rss from hub if this doesnt work put a link on blogger linking to your hub)
3)build a wordpress blog inject rss from blogger, if this doesnt work link to blogger from your wordpress site.

Hope this helps, please experienced guys let me know if this is sound strategy
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Authenticity Marketing
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Never tired Mr K it sounded ok but I got but I thought at the time its too much effort, and hassle. So does it actually work? Has anyone got some great results to share?
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http://Socialbarrel.com - Get The Latest Social Media News.
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I've found link wheels to be damaging to your site with rankings. Use the Sean Donahue method instead, of Link Magnets...It works great with a software program like SEnukeX...
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This topic was started on Jun 05, 2009 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
