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Mail Push or AWeber

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Joined: 24 Nov 09

Mail Push or AWeber

What are the advantages of Mail Push against AWeber please?
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Posts: 194
Joined: 01 Jan 10
I believe its the same company just using a different name to capitalize on a different marketing scheme.
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Posts: 3918
Joined: 19 Jun 09
Mail push is just Mark's PLR version of Aweber. they use the same servers and everything works exactly the same. They are even priced the same, so no difference there.
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They have same features but different names. No difference at all when it comes to navigation.
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Hi guys. Don't know if I will ever find this link again. First time in a forum.
Having a major problem with the setup of my autoresponder.
Don't know where to get the link from that Mark tells us about, he went through is so fast and did not show all the screens.
So I am stuck.
Anybody out there kind enough to help would be appreciated.
Thanks Howard
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Posts: 1895
Joined: 01 Jun 09
Hi Howard,

A link to what?

If it's a link to an image, you have to upload the image to your server first and once you have uploaded, then you will have a URL for it.

It it's the link to the Thank You page, you must first set up your Thank You page. You will then have a URL for it that you can put into your autoresponder.

I hope that helps :)
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Posts: 29
Joined: 27 Jul 10
I had to stop my attempts at internet marketing for a year and closed down my aweber account. I went to try and find how to use it again and then only found the link to mailpush. I need to re open the account to eweber, but to see the instuction video ( as I remember I did before), it seems necessary you have to sign up to mailchimp. Is this correct.
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This topic was started on Oct 01, 2010 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
