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Is your website accesible from mobile devices?

Posts: 24
Joined: 08 Dec 13

Is your website accesible from mobile devices?

Do you know how important is it for your website to be able to be accessible from mobile device? Please check below site to know what would be loosing if not:
http://www.topwebhostings.info/news-blo ... le-devices
Also, please share with your opinion on this topic. You can also comment in the blog page itself.
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Top Webhosting services and All about hosting
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Basically i think every website needed Mobile accessible part. Because when i do affiliate marketing with my website, i see some client entered here with his mobile. But my site not preferable for mobile. As a result is ZERO.. Client Moved.. I So i think it's very important.. just tell my opinion
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Offline Marketing Tips here http://offlinemarketingzone.com
Posts: 24
Joined: 08 Dec 13
Yes, exactly that's what I meant in my blog. You better ask your hosting provider if they provide such feature additionally. If they don't u may have to move to a different provider who provide this feature. Or else u might loose lot of potential clients. U can see the increasing number of online users via mobile in the graph I have provided. Take some action before its too late.
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Top Webhosting services and All about hosting
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Joined: 13 Aug 14
It's definitely a big plus if your website is responsive and accessible on different devices. More and more people are now just using their phones and other gadgets like tablets to browse and you will be missing out on a lot of market if your site is not responsive.
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This topic was started on Jun 07, 2014 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.