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I got 200 tier 1 email but no sale....

Posts: 7
Joined: 06 Jan 17

I got 200 tier 1 email but no sale....

Hi everyone! I'm new to affiliate marketing and I want to try selling some offers on Clickbank.

I found that the easiest way to create passive income is creating a funnel and start building email list.

The first product I promote is CB Passive Income.

This month I've total 600 email but It's just 1/3 of them from tier 1 countries (almost traffic is free from my Instagram account)

The open & click rate is OKAY for me (40-50% open rate and 7-10% click rates).

But there are no sale here.... What's my problems?

Are they buy from other affiliates?

Or my content is not cool enough....?

I really need advices from people right here.

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Affiliate Marketing Funnel – The Simplest Way To Quickly Make Money Online... Learn More Here: http://salesfunnelworkshop.pagedemo.co/
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There are a lot of things that you should be looking at here. First is the quality of traffic. The traffic you may be getting may be more interested in getting free information than buying.

You should also consider the ads you've made, the landing page, and the content in your page/s. It is better that you do split testing and see which one will convert best.
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Posts: 6
Joined: 05 Jun 17

You might want to focus on finding targeted traffic to your website.
I offer a service through my site that can help if you interested, first 100 visitors are free.

<<<<link removed>>>>

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Last edited by maryt on 07 Jun 17 10:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: link promotion

This topic was started on Jun 05, 2017 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
