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How to get 19000 Twitter followers in a few days

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Joined: 26 Nov 08

How to get 19000 Twitter followers in a few days

Hey check this out...

I just found this site that shows you a
way of getting 1000's of new followers
on twitter, I just started using it
myself and its starting to work


Thought it might interest you.

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Posts: 2
Joined: 13 Feb 09
Already did set up that account- today - and it is working like crazy!
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Posts: 37
Joined: 30 Nov 08
So I guess the idea here is to capitalize on most people wanting the fame and celebrity that comes with having lots of people following them?

I checked out Gary McCaffrey's Twitter page (http://twitter.com/garymccaffrey) and sure enough, he has 13,800 followers!

Pretty smart. Interestingly, he only has 270 updates, and has only been really active on Twitter the past month or so.

Not sure I'm sold yet on becoming a huge Twitterer just yet...

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Posts: 24
Joined: 22 Nov 08
Yeah, this looks pretty interesting. Not really sure what the benefit of having so many people following you or you following them. I started Twitter when I started this course but haven't really done anything with it.

I did get the twitter thing here to try it out. Here is my twittergetter.


Hey check this out...

I just found this site that shows you a
way of getting 1000's of new followers
on twitter, I just started using it
myself and its starting to work


Thought it might interest you.

I did get 10 followers the first day. Pretty cool!

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Posts: 26
Joined: 03 Nov 08
Twitter is becoming filled with "affiliate marketers" who are spamming thousands of Twitter users. This is nothing more than a network marketing scheme for Twitter uses trying ways to make a quick buck.

I did a Twitter search today for "Eat Stop Eat," a popular weight loss program offered on ClickBank. I found dozens of Twitter members sending out the same promotional message eery 2-3 hours:

"Eat Stop Eat - Very Popular Intermittent Fasting Program"

When I searched through the tweets of multiple affiliate marketers pushing "Eat Stop Eat," I found promotional tweets for other ClickBank products using bit.ly URL's hiding affiliate links.

Here's a guy in Mami who joined Twitter only one week ago:

Location: Miami, Florida
Time Zone: Hawaii
Joined: Wed 01 Jul 2009 14:51
Following: 1635
Followers: 696
Updates: 529
Favorites: 0
Friend: No
Notifications: No
Protected: No
Twitter: twitter.com/craiglutherfl

He obtained his 700 followers by following over 1,600 members, which means he had to add at least 200 new people he's following EVERY DAY for a week.

He's now sending out automated Tweets with his affiliate link every 2-3 minutes for multiple ClickBank products. In other words, he's spamming his 700 followers over and over again for unrelated ClickBank products.

With Twitter's small staff in San Francisco, the only way to stop Twitter spam like this is to report the person using TweetDeck or block the person from the regular Twitter interface.

Spam on Twitter--especially from affiliate marketers--has reached pandemic proportions.
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Brian Prows
Director of Mobile & New Media
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I'm sorry to tell you Sean, but I suspect that these systems or anything like them are pretty much useless.

You see, you might get thousands of followers, but they're going to be all random accounts or other people trying to flog off products. So you end up with this little community of people following each other on Twitter, selling the same products, with no one actually buying anything! That's not what Twitter's about.

Twitter is about communication and content. It allows you to follow interesting people from around the world as well as be followed be people who find you interesting. Building up Twitter numbers is not about a 'quick fix', but engaging with people, linking to interesting stuff, and providing interesting content.

I've built up the Affilorama Twitter feed (http://twitter.com/affilorama) to nearly 2000 followers. It's taken months, but the large majority of those followers are people who actually care what we have to say. We get retweeted and Twitter is a huge source of traffic to our site. Why? Because people can rely on the stuff we post to be worth looking at. If you build up trust with people, then when you link them to a decent page that is selling something, or your own product, they'll be interested.

I think these system's completely miss the point of Twitter, and I suspect that in the coming months Twitter will tighten up controls to stop these kind of pyramid follower schemes. Twitter has no problem with commercialization of their network - just not spam.

I'd use Twitter personally first, use it to find interesting content and follow interesting people - then once you've become familiar with what works on Twitter, then you can start making account for your websites.
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Posts: 161
Joined: 05 May 09
I'm a normal user of Twitter and I really hate those marketers who only use twitter to promote their products, that really sucks.

Some of them make reteewts all the time and add their affiliate url of something. Come on, Twitters are not stupid.
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Last edited by michellerana on 26 Oct 09 7:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

19 years old chilean blogger, a very creative kid, sometimes too creative
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Yeah, It's a bit of a turn off when these systems allow you to get 50 billion twitter followers ( lol ) and then they offer no value at all to anyone but to spam the crap out of them.
Does it work? probably, but at what cost?
1. You get a bad rep.
2. You offer no real value to anyone.
3. All you want to do is make money by spamming people via tweets.

If you are going to use a program or system to add people to your twitter followers then that's fine but provide real value and help to people who want and need it.

My 2 cents.
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Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize
they were the big things.

-- Robert Brault
Posts: 629
Joined: 01 May 09
Well said Troy. Here is something you guys might want to watch. It is about using twitter as one of the tools in Social Media Marketing. This is from Perry Belcher...http://socialmediamoneysystem.com/member.html

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WATCH HERE => www.slingly.us/replay
Posts: 20
Joined: 17 Feb 09
Hey Renato - Thanks for that link. I'll be honest when I first saw the page, I was a little skeptical as to the quality of the content - one of those good old sales pages... let's be honest, you've seen one, seen 'em all! But Perry does have some really interesting stuff to say. That little ebook he has for free download is really interesting, he's definitely on the right track with his attitudes towards social media.

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Posts: 629
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Hi Chris,

Yes I would have to agree that Perry has interesting stuff to say. Based on the things I learned from his free videos, I will be putting up my very first personal blog pretty soon and follow his "party principle".

To those who feels that it is worth their time to go and get a software that says they can get thousands of twitter followers in a few days...well it is ultimately your call. Just remember that social media marketing is built around creating and building relationships.

To those who believes this might ruin your reputation...we are on the same side of the fence. =)

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WATCH HERE => www.slingly.us/replay

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