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How I Made It In Affiliate Marketing Through Social Media

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How I Made It In Affiliate Marketing Through Social Media

In my struggle in affilliate marketing,i have failled miserably many times until i came accross a good marketing strategy in one of the Social Bookmarking sites called squidoo.Social bookmarking is at the forefront of the Web 2.0 craze that’s making the web a larger social network that it ever has been.
Social bookmarking sites let users create pages about themselves, build
networks of friends and generally get to know other people.
These sites are wildly popular, especially with people under 25, and several (like myspace.com®) have become some of the most visited sites on the web.I can’t cover everything about social bookmarking here. But I can share traffic generation strategies you can use at one of the biggest social bookmarking sites around, without getting anybody there upset with you.
Remember, these sites are about socializing first, not selling, but one site is a
different… From an Internet marketing perspective, Squidoo™ (you can find it at http://www.Squidoo.com) is vastly different from some of the other social bookmarking (or social networking) sites.That’s because you can sell blatantly at Squidoo™, without worrying about somebody shutting you down, as is the case at MySpace™ and other sites.Squidoo™ lets you create what’s called a lens, which is essentially an information portal about any topic you want.You can create as many lenses as you want in as many categories as you want.The secret to success is to provide good, helpful information people in your niche really want. Along the way, As much it is no surprise that squidoo can prove very effective in promoting your
product only if you can pull in considerable web traffic. Since Google shows a
marked bias for squidoo web pages, they have a very high ranking on the results generated by the former search engine.
As such, if you have a blog or website with squidoo, you can very easily market them with minimum effort. What you can do is that you can attract traffic and popularize your product with the masses using squidoo and then you can redirect the same mass of enthusiast to external web pages. Squidoo also comes with a couple of additional perks as well. First of all, creating an account with squidoo comes for free; and second squidoo allows you to sell or affiliate products,something other networking sites hardly permit.Squidoo lenses are extremely informative and full of fresh content. So make sure that you do a lot of research before you post your webpage for public viewing.
And once your page is on squidoo lens you can rest assured that it is going to
fetch the top rankings in major search engine results. But for freshly created
lenses a bit o optimization always helps to increase its visibility.
So here are some ways in which a Squidoo lens can help to increase the visibility of your website…
· It is a powerful podium that penetrates newer customer bases, every day.
The secret is that a squidoo lens features so high in search result rankings
that a constant stream of fresh web traffic is never a problem.
· Setting up a squidoo lens doesn’t require any complex knowledge of
quantum physics. It is simple and can be established in some extremely
simple steps. It is user friendly and extremely helpful. It even helps you in
developing your content and making it more engaging. It has features like
RSS feed importer, the U-tube tools, etc, all of which helps in uploading
content from a variety of sources. But for increasing the visibility of your
web page, you might have to spend a bit of time on optimising it.
· The biggest advantage of squidoo is that once it starts generating
considerable web traffic, you can redirect them to external web sites that
you may own with other networking sites; or say your independent blog.
This is what makes squidoo an obvious choice with marketing
· Search engine optimization is another feather in the crown of this efficient
social networking organ. Squidoo is a safe bet when it comes to marketing
your website, both on the internet as well as search engines. A factor that
critically determines the popularity of a website is the ease with which
back links can be created from them to other websites.
Squidoo excels at this. Squidoo allows you to establish back links with any
other websites of your choice with the minimum difficulty. This has the net
result that you can jam the bulk of this traffic to your alternative websites
that might be promoting other goods or services.
Finally,all of the above i have explained did not just come ordinarily,i met them here which i believe is good to have at Link removed by moderator
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It is nice to hear that after a good struggle you have get the correct path of making money through affiliate marketing.Actually your efforts is the base of success in affiliate marketing.
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Work from home affiliate program INSANE conversions :http://rebateprocessorjobs.com/affiliates.htm
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I have seen Squidoo in a lot of posts about marketing for websites. I really need to look into this. I have a blog that really needs some traffic and promotion.
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Linda Norton

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I've been using Squidoo for 3-4 years and one of my Squidoo "Lenses" brings one of my sites a lot of traffic. My other top Squidoo lenses do some good, but need more work.

Squidoo is easy to use, has loads of cool features and keeps improving - and there's a great and helpful community. Also Google still loves Squidoo.

You can see my most popular lens (and it links to the others) at:

I recommend Squidoo very highly!

Hope this helps...
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Creating a Squidoo lens is one good way to build backlinks to your site. It can really bring you some good traffic but since the Panda update, they've tightened their reins on what can and cannot be published on their site. If you have several lense with them prior to the Google Panda updates then great.

If you don't and can't get a lens set up with them then I suggest you explore other ways to get backlinks.

Have a good day!
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This is the second time this week that I hear about Squidoo - must see for myself.
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Squidoo can be anything you want it, more or less. You can register and build a lens where you can write about your personal life, or where you can share to the rest of the world your various interests. You can use it as a repository for your thoughts, your favorite color, or your grandma's recipes.

Affiliate marketers have been using Squidoo to get backlinks to their websites. It worked well until Squidoo tightened their rules after the Panda hit. You'll find that most topics/niches that affiliate marketers are into are no longer accepted. Just look at their Squidont page.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Building affiliate marketing websites is a breeze: https://www.affilorama.com/affilojetpack
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This helps a lot :) Thank you for letting me know and giving such a detailed explanation.
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$100 PPS / 50% Commission / 20% Referrals
Oranum, Psychics on Webcam,

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You're welcome! I'm glad to help! :)

Please let me know if you have further inquiries. All the best!
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Building affiliate marketing websites is a breeze: https://www.affilorama.com/affilojetpack
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/affilorama
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You can check username availability on multiple social networking sites, Claimbrand.com has a service that lets you check AND claim username on social network
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Squidoo is really a great way for me to promote my affiliate products. It's easy to do and it has many useful modules for a newbie like me. One more thing I love Squidoo that I can earn money from the lens I created. So one article can earn money from 2 ways, so great.
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I am not that familiar with Squidoo, but good thing that I got an idead for another social bookmark.
Got to familiarize myself with its UI.
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Send Elegant Flowers and Great Gifts to Philipines
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I was skeptic with Squidoo for a long time. Then, I made a lens reviewing Wordpress themes, I built some links on it and it worked. Now I have about 15 lens, half of them work well and make me money. I suggest creating longer lens with images, videos and do not use more than 2 referral links in your posts. Plus pick relevant tags to your posts.

I think, it is a good platform for novice affiliate marketers. On top of that, it is still loved by Google.
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Posts: 282
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Squidoo is certainly good for backlinks. Hence it is a great place for growing affiliate marketers. You can also earn from Amazon links, Allposters etc through your Squidoo lenses.
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Squidoo always ensures to have a good quality content on a website. This can be a good source to bring visitors to the website and increase sales and improve conversion rates.
Squidoo is my one of the favorite social media sites to promote our website in an ethical way.
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Good info, I started a Squidoo account while back but didn't do anything....looks like I need to revisit - thanks for the post!
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joshracicot wrote:Good info, I started a Squidoo account while back but didn't do anything....looks like I need to revisit - thanks for the post!

You might want to rethink this. The original post is from 2011 and a lot has changed at Squidoo and not in a good way for marketers

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Absolutely correct. Squidoo of late has become more strict when it comes to the incorporation of affiliate links.
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kallayprasanth05 wrote:Absolutely correct. Squidoo of late has become more strict when it comes to the incorporation of affiliate links.

Hi kallayprasanth05, In your opinion, is it yay or nay for Squidoo?
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That was a good bit of info. These days, it seems you'd have to have a really unique niche in order to start affiliate advertising on Squidoo, but if you're already established there, it's great!
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I have seen Squidoo in a lot of posts about marketing for websites
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Squidoo is really a great way for me to promote my affiliate products
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I love Squidoo, it is the best way for me now, elements that constitute my success
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