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How Do I Network With Other Facebook Pages And Users?

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Joined: 28 Sep 12

How Do I Network With Other Facebook Pages And Users?


I'm working on this task in AffiloBlueprint:
Create your Facebook page and then network with other Facebook pages and users until you have at least 50 likes.

Can you please tell me how to actually network with other Facebook pages and users and get at least 50 likes?

Many thanks,
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Hi Alain,

When you create a Facebook page, you can ask your current pool of friends under your personal FB account to like the page. That is how the networking starts. When you get a few likes, start sharing relevant or useful information through your page.

Then, look for other pages similar to yours, or are in the same niche. Like these pages ans send a message to the owner of the page. Ask them if they can like your page too.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Hi Alain,

Simple: Just be an active Facebook member.

If you own a Facebook page, it is best to spend at least an hour or so just liking related pages or joining Facebook groups as well (you can do this by simply typing in the keyword/s related to your page on the search box).

Once you've joined related Facebook pages or groups, you may also start liking their posts and perhaps leave a very good comment on their pages (please don't spam). Simply interact and you will soon get some like on your own page. :)
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This topic was started on Feb 16, 2015 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
