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How can I make my Wordpress blog the same as my website?

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Joined: 16 Jun 06

How can I make my Wordpress blog the same as my website?

hey guys, I'm setting up a blog using wordpress, but I want it to look like the rest of my site will (Which isnt up just yet). Sorta how the affilorama blog is done.

You can see what I've done so far at *broken link*

I'm sure you'll be able to tell it's not quite right. :)

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Last edited by michellerana on 28 Feb 10 2:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: remove broken link

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Hey Sean,

I'm new to affilorama and I am having exactly the same problem with wordpress. It is obviously a handy tool but is hard to customize.

If anyone else out there can offer a solution, let the both of us know, thanks:)

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Hi Sean

Your Blog is looking great, but it sounds like a common formatting problem with your Wordpress Blog Theme. With most of the available Themes there are images that are used for backgrounds, headers, and bullets, etc... On your page there is a background image which spans the height of the page to visually seperate the main content from the side navagation called content_faux.gif. This image has a set width, and any new images that you create, which are a different width than content_faux.gif will effect the formatting of your page. The easiest way of fixing this is to make the width and height the same size as the original header that comes with the WordPress Theme. At the moment your header is 800 pixels wide, and to fix this problem try and make your header 698 pixels wide and 200 pixels high which are the same dimensions as the original header.

I hope this has been helpful, and fixes your problem for you.

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hey Malcolm, thanks for the advice.

If possible, I'd really like to keep my header at 800x130.

What I'd like to do is pull that blue bar on the right, across to the edge of the white, like it is on the left side.

Is doing this relatively simple?

Another thing I couldn't figure out, was where the darkish colour on the outside of the page comes from. I edited all the pictures with that colour in them. Do you know how that got in there?

Thanks again,
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Hi Sean

The easiest way is probably to change your header to 698 x 200,
but I'll have a look later on today for you to see if i can find an easy work around for this problem. In regards to the the darkish colour on the outside this is because an image called faux.gif (which is 1px high) has a dark blue edge on the left and right side, so first off change this to a colour you want in an image editor, and also you will need to change this part in the style.css.

Change the web colour (#3c5669) to the colour that you want.

body {
font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
text-align: center;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
background: #3c5669 url("images/faux.gif") 50% 0 repeat-y;

I'll get back to you later in the day with a possible solution for you header problem.

Affilorama Support
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Thanks Malcolm, I'll have another crack as soon as I can and let you know how I go.
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