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Facebook Page Type for Affiliate Marketing?

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Facebook Page Type for Affiliate Marketing?

have read the facebook guidelines... I dont know if i should start with a product/brand page, or if i should just choose the buisness/organization page. I have read that Local Buisness page is only for generating Foot traffic, which is not what i want at all, sence my buisness is souly internet. 
I Will be promoting a handfull of Affiliate products tho.. as well as the sea of helpful articles i will provide. 
So being that i want to do a bloglike page with lots of tips andgood reads, and in ADDITION, promote more than One affiliate product.. should i START with the product/brand page? Facebook says it wont let u SWITCH to a product page. I have heard other people using this type page, but if i do not have one specific brand i am promoting, what should i list as Brand Name? Or should i just characterize it as Product? 
Also,sence i am promoting someone Else's product, and not actualy selling it directly on my page, should i just Forget Product/Brand page altogether? And just go with Buisness/Organization? Like i said, I'm going to be 'blogging' (is that the correct term?) on it as well with tips and reads, that my audience would find interesting.
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I do brand page or celebrity/public figure page and work on branding. Really doesn't matter as to how it works after initial setup
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I agree. So long as the product is appealing to your followers, it really doesnt matter.
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You can change your Facebook page's category or assign multiple categories for your page once it is created. The page category would depend on your niche.

For example, for the IM niche, you may choose any of the following:

Company, Organization or Institution > Internet Company
Brand or Product > Website

For the Natural Health and Diet Nutrition niches, you may choose any of the following:

Brand or Product > Health/Beauty
Brand or Product > Website

If you are working on your own 'brand' or identity, then you can choose 'Artist, Band or Public Figure' and then select a related subcategory under it.

Overall, the safest category would be the "Brand or Product" > "Website" since it applies to all websites, regardless of the niche.
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If you doing affiliate marketing for e-commerce products than you can choose Shopping Service under Business/Brand category.
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