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Facebook Fan Page Traffic

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Joined: 01 Aug 12

Facebook Fan Page Traffic

A great source of traffic is Facebook Fan pages. You can create as many as your like, there is no limit.

They are like mini-websites, but they are "hosted" free, fan pages are free, and you are already at the site that has over a billion users.

No need for a squeeze page, you can set up the buttons for your free giveaway.

Fan pages has a built in blog, and for every user that likes, shares, or comments on your fan page, it appears on their newsfeed.

Say one person does this a day, and the average user has 500 friends, that is free advertising to 15,000 people.

If you haven't used fan pages to generate traffic, it is something you should give some serious thought to.
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Learn how to make money online, drive free traffic, and create blogs and websites with ease.
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Hi Steve,

Thanks for sharing! Facebook pages are a must in social media marketing. This is where you will be sharing content on your site and on other sites within the same niche. This is where you can interact with your target market.

You need to invite Facebook users to like your Facebook page. Liking your page is similar to following you in Twitter. Once they like your Facebook page, any updates on the page can be seen in their newsfeed. I've noticed that more and more companies and marketers offer freebies and special offers to entire users to like their Facebook page.

My two cents. All the best!
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Building affiliate marketing websites is a breeze: https://www.affilorama.com/affilojetpack
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Good post! Yes facebook social site is good to improve our business online. We get traffic for our business to create a fan page. We can invite our family member, friends and business friend through the fan page and tell them to like my page and tell their friend also.
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Posts: 6
Joined: 12 Jun 12
Thanks for sharing! This is a wonderful post! is really informative for me. I liked it very much.
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Posts: 52
Joined: 16 Jul 14
you can buy facebook likes from freelancers from SEOclerks at cheap rates.
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Posts: 70
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We've had a lot of success with sweepstakes, trivia and giveaways. It is an excellent way to reach customers; who can leave reviews. WOM (word of mouth) is the most effective form of advertising, and social media sites like FB are sources of WOM campaigns. Great info here...as always:-)
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you have make many friends on facebook, your comment share in wall and create an event to many time so your increase the traffic, you can also buy traffic from freelancers from SEOclerks at cheap rates.
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Posts: 91
Joined: 31 May 14
The only downside of Facebook pages now is how Facebook has decreased organic reach. That means your Facebook fan pages (the ones who liked your page) are only going to see a small portion of the posts you create now.

Now, the only way to ensure that your fans see most of your posts is to pay to have them seen by fans or to hope that fans actually remember to come to your page to read your posts.

For this reason, it helps to get your fans to actually come to your site (off of Facebook) and opt into an email list so that you can remind them to visit Facebook when a new status or post is made.
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Adam Kent - Social Media Manager at http://jarvee.com/

"The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Peter Drucker

Posts: 52
Joined: 16 Jul 14
The good way to get more likes and followers is to earn them by having good posts. Post every day about things that a wide range of people find interesting and use hashtags often. Promote your Facebook page across various channels like other social media sites or websites. you can also buy likes from freelancers from SEOclerks at cheap rates.
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