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Anyone marketing with Pinterest

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Anyone marketing with Pinterest

I haven't gotten involved with Pinterest yet. Anyone using it for marketing purposes? Any advice?

As an info product creator and vendor in Visual Communication, a digital artist and visual marketing expert, it seems like something I should be investigating?


Thanks All!
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Hi jimcoe,

Pinterest is fast rising as a content sharing site and you being a visual artist should definitely be on it. I am still figuring out how it can help me with my marketing efforts. For the most part, it can help me with gathering content for my site, what with all those images categorized under each main subject/topic.

Any ideas?
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Hi Cecille,

Learning how to use Pinterest is high on my list of stuff to do, but haven't had time yet - what with my soon-to-launch "Visual Marketing Online" ebook and it's website and CB stuff to do.

What I do know about Pinterest so far is that it has upset a lot of artists who sell their work online and feel that having their products show up on Pinterest without their control or knowledge is a huge problem. Seems Pinterest lets them remove their work, but that takes a lot of effort even finding it all.

I'm a member of http://www.FineArtAmerica.com (highly recommended) and the owner is setting up programming to block Pinterest. The members there are very upset at Pinterest, rather than seeing it as a marketing tool.

In general, good artists get a lot of this "I'm not ripping off your images, I'm giving you lots MORE EXPOSURE by showing them - in place of paying you for them!". This is BS from image pirates and experienced artists don't accept that concept - especially when it's done without the artist's permission.

If I come up with anything about Pinterest, I certainly post it here.

_jim coe
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With the growth and success of Pinterest lately, I advise it is worth a try. I have found an interesting read about Pinterest on Mashable that you may want to read also with regards to marketing your product. One important note to highlight (in this article) is:

A cursory examination of Pinterest site statistics reveals some interesting demographic information: Women are engaging on the social site with much more veracity than men. Currently, women make up about 82% of active users on Pinterest, according to Google Ad Planner.

As a general trend, women engage more on most social sites, including on Facebook and Twitter. Comscore says women are the majority of social networking users, and spend 30% more time on sites than men. Plus, mobile social network usage is 55% female, according to Nielsen.
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Thanks Macdalangin!

I'll check it out. Interesting stats about social nets demographics - have not seen that elsewhere.

_jim coe
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I have used it some, but gotten some benefit more by MY READERS using it. You see, like anything social, you sharing your own stuff won't go nearly as well as your friends doing it.

where pinterest becomes really helpful is the links. they haven't "No followed" their site yet, and everytime an image gets repinned, it creates another link to the original source ( your blog/website). and, people ARE clicking those links. I got 300 visitors in the last 2 weeks from pinterest.
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Thanks James! So what you're saying is that your readers are linking to your blog in their Pinterest accounts, is that it?

I agree that where social networks are concerned, your readers passing along links to your article/site has more impact and brings in more traffic, not to mention the boost it can do to webpage's rank. A lot of this has to do with content of course. If your article is entertaining and informative then readers are more likely to pass it along to others.
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From what I can see, Pinterest has a lot of potential in terms of online marketing and also SEO. Since this is a new medium for networking (and I haven't seen a site that quickly became so successful as PInterest), it is quite too early to weigh or tell how you can use Pinterest to your advantage. But with the number of registered users this site has, clearly, we can benefit from this. It is quite interesting to study Pinterest and how we can come up with great marketing/promotional plans using this social network site.
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Like with any social media site, it depends on how active you are on the site and what kind of a following you have. It doesn't do any good to share items if no one can see them. A few tips you can use to maximize product exposure would be to:

1. be active on the network,
2. add your Facebook and Twitter Friends,
3. leave comments on their items,
4. use tags wisely, so that your items show up in a general search
5. Encourage people to follow you on Pinterest, by adding a link to your other social networks, email signatures, marketing materials...etc...

Hope that helps,
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Pinterest is becoming famous..

As i read in an article -- it has 60% women audience .. as the entire website is much visual

Also fashion, lifestyle , photography are the main thriving niches for this website...
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    I think Pinterest is a great indirect marketing tool, but I haven't seen anyone making direct income from it. If anyone hears differently, I'd be interested in getting the scoop!
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    Dina Riccobono
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    Hi jimcoe,

    Pinterest is fast rising as a content sharing site and you being a visual artist should definitely be on it. I am still figuring out how it can help me with my marketing efforts. For the most part, it can help me with gathering content for my site, what with all those images categorized under each main subject/topic.
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    Cecille L wrote:Hi jimcoe,

    For the most part, it can help me with gathering content for my site, what with all those images categorized under each main subject/topic.

    Any ideas?

    Is it okay (legal) to use images from Pinterest though?

    Definitely has some good quality photos on there.
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    Hi Anil,

    I really have not experimented with Pinterest fully, but you may want to read about Pinterest legalities. I think this article is helpful to your question.
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    "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." ~Sidhhartha Guatama
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    I'm involved in the Craft Industry and know of a lot of women on Pinterest, is also talked and shared a lot of Facebook. I've known some women who have run scared and deleted their boards because of the whole 'copyright' issue apparently Pinterest's Terms & Conditions are so tightly in favour of them that if anyone was to be sued it falls on the user. I can't really see how they can stop it now bar closing the site because I think it's gone too far, I can't see it much different then reposting images and videos back on Facebook, Twitter etc.

    I've heard people in the interior design and fashion industry use Pinterest to see what's trending and what people want for their marketing purposes I guess.

    I've started a Pinterest for my site but my site targets Women anyway and I'll probably use it more as another social site to hopefully get users over to my website. I think Pinterest is a good target because in a lot of cases women are the ones with the spending power! :)
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    Pinterest is probably more beneficial for some online businesses more than others, but if you're creative enough you can find a way to gain some attention by creating some visual infographics, etc. Even creating cute looking coupons with your discount code for your products might be helpful. Depending on your business you might have to think outside the box a bit. But, since there are a lot of women using Pinterest, there's a big wide range of opportunity for marketing your business.
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    ~ Rhonda White
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    Finally made some time for Pinterest. Uploaded my best 37 digital art 3D scenes. All have a link to my art print and greeting card sales site. Will be interesting to see if traffic to that site increases, and to follw things on Pinterest.

    My new Pinterest board

    Thanks for all the comments, and for the list, Christine5.

    _jim coe
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    Just got emailed this link on 20 ways to market on pinterest, thought I'd add it if anyone was interested in reading it.

    [Link no longer available]
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    Thanks Revitaliseme - some good ideas there.

    Woke up this morning to find that I've already had 3 Pinterest folk follow or re-pin my stuff (in less than 1 day).

    Also happy to see that the re-pin didn't lose my copyright or the link to my FineArtAmerica.com art prints and greeting cards sales site.

    Looks like Pinterest came around (as some predicted they would have to) to a solution to the plagiarism problem.

    Next step may be to build more Pinterest "boards" - am thinking about the possibilities of Tutorial Boards (re-purposing many of my existing tutorial content, plus new).

    _jim coe
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    Sounds great Jim, can be addictive though..lol

    You could even offer tutorials in the way of Powerpoint presentations converted to video or something, you can use a video convertor or Camtasia just figuring out how to do that myself, and upload it to the video section of Pinterest. Every time someone views your video it counts as another view on Youtube (suggestion to upload to Youtube first) I found out about this other site yesterday which allows you to upload your video to loads of sites at once which is handy, you just have to set up all your accounts first, then spread your video around the internet.


    There are so many different ways to market that its information overload, I feel like there are too many things I want to do at once and I'm not achieving anything...LOL
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    Yes, maybe we need to coin a new term, similar to "Information Overload" - "Marketing Overload".

    Good idea about using Camtasia with Pinterest. All my video tutorials are already on YouTube via Camtasia (which I've been using for years - excellent tool). And I used to use OneLoad.com when they were TubeMogul.com - another good tool.

    But, I need to create new vids for my new 'Visual Marketing Online' ebook. All my current vids are about making digital 3D art.

    Seems Pinterest could almost be used like the class tasks in the Moodle.org online class creation tool I'm using to create my (slowly progressing) online art course.

    _jim coe
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    Hi there!

    Actually I don't have enough knowledge in regards to that particular issue. But I know that Pinterest is one of the sites that are a bit commonly used and being engaged in with people nowadays. Though, as according to what you've said, and that is the issues in concern with the Pinterest, thanks for sharing what you know. But I think, you may also give it a shot, because like I've said, it is a portal which most people are talking about when it comes to online marketing.
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    I personally do not use Pinterest, but pictures are definitely the big trend when it comes to modern interaction. Instagram, Pinterest, Twitpics, and many other ways of sharing pictures are now available to everyone all over the world. Here is an article that might help you with your concern.
    [Link no longer available]
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    Hi lolajohnson28,

    Thanks for sharing the article! It's very interesting and I have to agree that there are people out there who are more visual and prefer to share images rather than words.

    Have a good day!
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    I think this article is helpful to IMs as Pinterest recently launched its business account feature

    Read it here: Pinterest formally opens its doors to business users

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    "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." ~Sidhhartha Guatama
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    Thanks Mary - very helpful!

    I'm off to convert my Pinterest account from Personal to Business - after I inspect the new TOS.

    Arrrgh! Their servers at Pinterest seem to be overwhelmed at the moment. You might want to wait a day.

    _jim coe
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    Hi Jim,

    Not a problem :)

    Perhaps you may share also how business account differs from the regular account :)

    Good luck!

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    "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." ~Sidhhartha Guatama
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    From what I see Pinterest is something like Google Images but with a more social aspect to it. I see some marketing potential for it ... as if you have a link pointing to a site of yours ... then you can get visitors / sales.
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    I’ve been thankful for the development of Pinterest as it enables me to keep photos that capture the most memorable moments of my life. This social platform categorizes images into different boards. It also serves as an effective tool for educators for efficient learning.
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    Pinterest is the #1 social medIa site for refferal traffic in other words they send a ton of traffic to your site if done right , Not only that you could put a product from amazon with your affiliate link in it on your website then pin it and when they click on the image on pinterest it will send them to your site and if they purchase the product you make the commission. This is a great product to learn how to use pinterest http://jerseyshoremobilemarketing.com/pin-profits-review-2012/
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    cecille.l wrote:Hi jimcoe,

    Pinterest is fast rising as a content sharing site and you being a visual artist should definitely be on it. I am still figuring out how it can help me with my marketing efforts. For the most part, it can help me with gathering content for my site, what with all those images categorized under each main subject/topic.

    Any ideas?

    All I can think of is that you might be able to pin an article or website that contains one of your affiliate links. That way the Pintrest community is exposed to it and the affiliate link just so happens to be contained within it.

    Otherwise I don't think you could do something like create pages for a specific product or something like that.
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    I agree with TBone. Pinterest marketing can be an effective marketing tactic for direct traffic when done right.

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    "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." ~Sidhhartha Guatama
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    Just got around to converting my Pinterest account to a "Business type". Sorry for the long delay in reporting back.

    It's very easy to do. If you have an existing Pinterest personal account (like I do), click on "About" and select "For Business" from the drop-down menu. Then click on the big "Convert" button to convert your personal account into a business type. You might also want to check your profile's "Business type". For example, I selected "Professional".

    If you're new to Pinterest, I suspect that choosing a business or personal account is now part of signup. But if you can get to that "About" link you can also setup a new business account there, rather than converting an existing account.

    Hope this helps...
    Happy New Year All!
    _jim coe
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