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Any feedback on Facebook marketing tool Xtractor?

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Joined: 06 Aug 15

Any feedback on Facebook marketing tool Xtractor?

Hi guys i have a question for the Facebook marketers here
Does someone know about tool to get emails from Facebook events?
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I do not know any tool to automate your FB events subscription but if you head to a certain FB page> Go to Events section> you will see the subscribe button at the top right section of the page. Just click on that to automatically subscribes you to all incoming events for that page.
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Are you referring to the Google Chrome plugin Xtractor?

A bulk of the reviews say it works, but there are a few that say there are hidden scripts within the plug and a few other issues. Be sure to observe how the plugin works once you install it.

This is the only tool so far that I heard of that extracts user ids and email addresses off Facebook.
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Joined: 14 Aug 15
Yes. There was a great tool for Facebook marketers for doing this job. I am using xtractor.me for this and I have get emails from groups events and even from posts from Facebook. So it is the best solution for fackbook marketers to use xtractor.me
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This topic was started on Aug 22, 2015 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
