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How do I export my Exchange mailbox to PST?

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Joined: 02 May 24

How do I export my Exchange mailbox to PST?

To export Exchange mailbox to PST file, access the Exchange Administration Center within the Admin Centers section. Once in the Exchange Administration Center, navigate to the "Recipients" tab and select "Mailboxes." From the list of mailboxes displayed, choose the specific one(s) you want to export. Click the ellipsis button ("...") and select "Export to PST file." Follow the on-screen instructions to specify export parameters, including the target location for the PST file.

Alternatively, Try the Advik Exchange Server Backup Tool on your system. The software will effortlessly export all emails from the Exchange mailbox to your PST file without any hassle. This powerful tool ensures the safety and availability of critical business communication by allowing users to back up mailboxes, emails, contacts, calendars, and other essential data with ease.
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