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How to check originality of the content?

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How to check originality of the content?


I have written my first article on dog training niche I am little confused on how to check if it is more than 50 % original or not. I googled plagiarism checker and checked my article on following websites

This website states 100 % unique content

It said plagerism sources were not found

but when i checked on this website

It said 0 % UNIQUE content so i am a bit confused that which result should i go for.

The content i created is for my website on dog training niche. I did create the content on my own but used the information already available on some competitors' websites.

So can anybody please help me out ?
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yasir wrote:Hello,

I have written my first article on dog training niche I am little confused on how to check if it is more than 50 % original or not. I googled plagiarism checker and checked my article on following websites

This website states 100 % unique content

It said plagerism sources were not found

but when i checked on this website

It said 0 % UNIQUE content so i am a bit confused that which result should i go for.

The content i created is for my website on dog training niche. I did create the content on my own but used the information already available on some competitors' websites.

So can anybody please help me out ?

Well, in my opinion you should use common sense on this one.
If you know you didn`t copy paste content from other websites, and 2 out of 3 of those tools tell you that your content is unique, in my opinion, that content is unique.
The problems with these tools is that they are not 100% accurate, that is why you should use more than one.
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Affiliate Manager to The HCF Affiliate Program (30-50% RevShare - Special Niche Market)
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use is the best
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You can also try Copyscape. A lot of businesses depend on Copyscape when checking for duplicate content on the web.
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"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." ~Sidhhartha Guatama
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Thank you for the help guys.I will definitely try the recommended
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yasir wrote:Thank you for the help guys.I will definitely try the recommended

You are welcome!
Like I said, for the best results, obtain your information from more than one place.
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Affiliate Manager to The HCF Affiliate Program (30-50% RevShare - Special Niche Market)
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checks how much unique content is written.
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You can easily check the originality of the content with the help of tools like Plagiarism SEO checker. With the help of this tool, you can easily check whether the content is original or not. This is an open source SEO tool easily available in Google.
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Over the years we have gone through several tools. I have had 11 bloggers all writing content. We standardized on Duplichecker. I try to run my business like IBM (Really a Corporation but IBM is a good example). Everybody on the same page. I worked for IBM for many years and loved every minute of it. I only have 5 bloggers/writers now and we all still use it. Since our topics Often originate from GOOGLE ALERTS we need very much to check for duplicate content. It seems to work for us.
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yasir wrote:Hello,

I have written my first article on dog training niche I am little confused on how to check if it is more than 50 % original or not. I googled plagiarism checker and checked my article on following websites

This website states 100 % unique content

It said plagerism sources were not found

but when i checked on this website

It said 0 % UNIQUE content so i am a bit confused that which result should i go for.

The content i created is for my website on dog training niche. I did create the content on my own but used the information already available on some competitors' websites.

So can anybody please help me out ?

Hi there! May advice on this is to use CopyScape since this is the most reliable checker I have used so far. The downside however is you have to pay a fee in order to use this program. The other free checker tool which I find useful other than copyscape is duplichecker... Hope this helps!
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Hi yasir, If you wrote article and it's unique then 1st of all open 'google webmaster tool' and fatch your article to index before the same content(copy of your content) got indexed by other on their site. To check duplicate content you should use tool like CopyScap
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Sandeep Thakur is a Digital Marketing Manager at FATbit Technologies( His professional expertise also covers social media marketing, research & analysis and online branding for individuals or businesses. Follow him on Twitter @SandeepSKTR
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Hi! This article would really help you a lot!

5 Simple Online Services for Checking Content Plagiarism ... plagiarism
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I use Grammarly Plagiarism Detector.

A FREE Online proofreading tool that checks the text for grammar, punctuation, and style, and features a contextual spelling checker and plagiarism detector.
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