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Does anyone have a Forum? Could I run one by myself?

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Joined: 30 Aug 06

Does anyone have a Forum? Could I run one by myself?

Hi All,
Am thinking about using a forum with my new website but unsure if a one man band like myself will have time to moderate Etc :roll: Does anybody have ANY advice of the best way for me to go :?: Any replys would be warmly received... :wink:
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Posts: 1085
Joined: 17 Jun 06
Questions to consider.

Does your market support a forum?

Do you see similar sites on your topic with a forum?

Moderating will not be a problem early on, do you have friends that could help you?

Do you know how to install a forum, prevent hacker attacks, block users?

If you are just worried about moderating you will not have trouble for the first while since there will not be 1000 posts each day.

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Posts: 11
Joined: 30 Aug 06
Hi Adrian,
Yes the market supports a forum and yes similar sites DO use a forum. Unfortunately no friends like minded so that could be difficult. Obviously I cannot be at the PC 24/7 and I'm just looking for any hints to make it look as professional as possible. Thanks for your reply...
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Most forums are professional "out of the box". For moderating, you could reward those users who post good comments for about a month. They will be more than happy to have some "authority". You can use PHPbb or Vbullentin.

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Hi Adrian,
yes phpbb will be the way I'm going to go. Any idea how to reward the moderators :?: Also I won't know these people that well what steps can I make to check they are doing what I wish and are not abusing the position of authority I have given them :?: Again thanks for your time... :wink:
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That's something you will have too see how it goes. The only power they have is to ban users, remove posts etc... and they know they can't do that all the time otherwise you would ban them and they would lose THEIR position. See how it goes for a while with them. Reward the good posters who offer value and content for at least a month.

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Yep, Ive posted at a few forums an certain people really love being moderators. I guess they love the power or something. If you have enough trouble moderating the posts yourself, there will be at least one of these people around.
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Prsonally I like SMF (Simplemachines. ) It have more features than PHP and is just as easy to install and modify.
and it is also available form most Cpanels like PHPbb2 is

I have not long gone over to SMF as I got spammed while I had the PHPbb2 running.
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