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your page did not return a status code of 200

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your page did not return a status code of 200

I have been using the excellent Traffic Travis version 4 and my site report shows an URL error on all my pages - "your page did not return a stutus code of 200"

What is this and how can I fix it?
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Hi Alan,

Please PM me your site URL to me so that we can take a look at the error.

Thank you!
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This is happening to me to... though only the one index page of one of my websites, all other pages so not return the error. How do I fix this please? Many thanks :)
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I got the same message.
This is strange - this happened after migrating from all in one seo to platinum seo plugin. I'm checking the difference of settings from website to website and i see no difference.

Anyone can help with this issue?
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An error code of 200 usually means a problem with the connection to the website's server. This usually means there's a problem with your internet connection or the site was down when you ran the test. Please make sure that you enter the correct URL in Traffic Travis, i.e. if your domain is, you need to enter it the same way in Traffic Travis.
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Yes i checked 1000 times and same thing. This is very strange. Can someone chck my domain please?
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Besides this 200 error I also keep getting the XML sitemap not found error. Surely, for a paid software such as this, it's quite disappointing to say the least
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Do you only bother to sell and not reply to customer's questions?
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I have the same problem for EVERY page for EVERY site I'm tracking in TT. 12 Sites, 6 different hosts, 3 different site types (WP, Dreamweaver and some other crappy java site builder) even pages that are ranking #1 in Google.
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Same problem for me now! Your page did not return a status code of 200.
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I apologize for any inconvenience. Please PM me your URL's so that I can run the same test on Traffic Travis. Also, please make sure that you are not having connection issues when running Traffic Travis and that your website URLs are spelled correctly. You can also send your issue to [email protected]

We have also released an update on Traffic Travis 4 today. Please download and instal the latest update.

I appreciate your patience and hope to hear from you all soon.
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mark schaaf
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I was also having some problems with TT 4 I was making changes to my seo making things better because of things TT was telling me and i would update my site wait a little while then update TT4 but I don't think it was updating I had the problem for a while and finely deleted the project and added it back in and everything was fine. It seemed like the info that was there wouldn't let TT change to the new info but like I sand once I deleted it and added it back in it was fine.
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I was checking the meaning of HTTP Status Codes and found out that code 200 means that the server successfully returned the page. Now if the errors says that it didn't return status code of 200, then it means that it returned a different status code. It could be any of these:

404 - the requested page doesn't exist
503 - the server is temporarily unavailable
301 - moved permanently
and so on...

There are a number of codes with different indications. The error message is triggered by any of those return codes.

If you want to see the complete list of codes, here's the link:
Status Code Definitions
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"Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice.”
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I just purchased TT I like it but Research does not work at all. And I'm getting the same

Your page did not return a status code of 200.

TT needs a Check for updates built into the TT software.

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Hello, In TT it's show several of my sites as "Your page did not return a status code of 200." , how do I fix that?
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I have same problem. Some of my pages in TrafficTravis have this warning, but when I checked it with= other tool - it returns 200
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Do you only bother to sell and not reply to customer's questions?
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Hi lilygreen289,

I apologize for the delay in responding to your inquiry.

Code 200 means that your website as pinged and it returned an OK status, meaning your site is online and working. If you receive an error about this code in Traffic Travis, then please check and make sure that your site is online. If it is, then check your site's load times. Sometimes, Traffic Travis will show you the error on Code 200 when the site takes a long time to load.

I appreciate your patience. Hope that helps.

Have a good day!
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From What I can see,
If you have the error code 200 then your website is fine
and if you don't then your website is not responding the right way?
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This topic was started on May 05, 2011 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.