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WordPress design help

Posts: 5
Joined: 19 Sep 09

WordPress design help

New to web design and have been looking for info on design with wordpress. I have used the free wp designer theme designer and have a template. Next i downloaded xampp to have a local server on my computer so when i update my website i can see it local instead of uploading to my web host. I also downloaded phpadmin that came with xampp. I tried to follow the instructions but can't get the local server on my computer to work. Is there any programs where i can do my design changes and check it out before i publish to the web.
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Ooooo, that's a bit more technical than what we usually handle here. This is, after all, an affiliate marketing community and not really a web development community. I hope someone can help you.
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Posts: 6
Joined: 22 Dec 09
Hey zultek ,

I would recommend you to download EasyPHP , it's the same like XAMPP but easier to install.

Be carefull when you start the Apache Server to not have Skype running because Apache it's running on port 80 and newer Skype version also.

After EasyPHP it's working you will have Apache , MYSQL and a PHP version.

You should find a folder named WWW in the EasyPHP directory , go there and paste the Wordpress install script.

Alex Berghian

PS : If you want to start with Affiliate Marketing , you should not get so technical , just go and buy a hosting , or a free hosting with PHP and Mysql support.
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Joined: 19 Sep 09
Thank you for all the info- i am building web sites to start affiliate marketing for renewable energy (solar/wind/hho along with battery info- that is why i wanted to have a server on my computer as i thought it would be easier to update and maintain. I have been trying to start this project for sometime as i have read many articles on web design. it sounded easier to work with wordpress than just a web site. am i trying to hard- please let me know your opinion thanks zultek(terry)
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I have hosting thru hostgator and hostmonster with domains- just trying to get websites up and make some money as i would like to do this full time. Thanks again zultek(terry)
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Posts: 17
Joined: 04 May 09
I bought a domain that I specifically use as a test server. I upload my sites to there first to test them out if I am having trouble figuring it out. It has come in handy many times. you can use any old domain...I just gave mine a domain like (this is not my real domain)

It works great for having an extra ftp server too. I just set up ftp users if i want to share files with someone and throw them up on my test server, give them a username and password and once they download their files I delete their account.

it has many uses and you can get cheap domains that will only cost you $7 bucks a year and just add it to your hosting server.

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Last edited by ampie g on 15 Mar 10 2:40 am, edited 2 times in total.
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