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I decide to do some directoy submission and they needed my anchor text ?
What's that? :shock:
chatyak86 Posts: 1083 Joined: 17 Jun 06 Trust:
15 Jul 07 1:56 am
Anchor text are the words that are clickable. They are the words that when clicked upon, take a visitor to your site. The more links with your "desired" anchor text, the higher chance you have of ranking for those words.
wayfarer Posts: 34 Joined: 27 Jun 07 Trust:
15 Jul 07 2:31 am
Adrian,Is that keywords? But my site is just one week old, not even sure whetehr it been indexed online properly, that's the reason one is doing directory submission? :shock:
sean06 Posts: 1004 Joined: 16 Jun 06 Trust:
15 Jul 07 2:54 am
Wayfarer, I suggest you go watch the videos on SEO if you don't understand what anchor text is. And make sure you've done a decent amount of keyword research.
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chatyak86 Posts: 1083 Joined: 17 Jun 06 Trust:
15 Jul 07 3:09 am
Like Sean said, take out a day and go through and watch the videos on SEO. It will answer all of these questions for you. It sounds like you haven't watched the videos? They are helpful and there for a reason! :D