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What is the difference between a subfolder or subdomain?

Posts: 18
Joined: 26 Nov 09

What is the difference between a subfolder or subdomain?

Hi, not sure if its a subfolder or subdomain i'm trying to create, but lets say I have a wordpress blog on dog training but I want to create a new squeeze page with an optin box for a free report on dog training how do I go about doing this and is it a subdomain I am creating or a subfolder, whats the difference between the two, thanks
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Last edited by michellerana on 08 Feb 10 4:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: improve title to describe the post better

Posts: 23
Joined: 21 Dec 09
No need to create either. Just create your squeeze page, give it any name you want, such as dogtraining.html and upload it to your root directory. Then send traffic to that page. So if your domain is, the full URL would look like this:

Alternatively, you can create a folder in your domain called dogtraining and then name your file index.html and upload it there. Your squeeze page (index.html) would show when you sent visitors to:
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Last edited by ampie g on 26 Feb 10 5:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: unlinked URL as it is only used for illustration and not an actual link

Posts: 18
Joined: 26 Nov 09
Thanks, but im not sure how to do it. where is my root directory, or for the second option do I go to godaddy where my domain is and add what you said, thanks
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Posts: 32
Joined: 17 Aug 09
The root folder is the base folder of your domain. On many hosting servers the root folder is the public_html folder. If in doubt you should get in touch with the support team of your hosting service.
If you use a web design software on your computer, you just create your squeeze page on it and it will get uploaded along with the rest of your website when you publish.
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