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verifying my site with google

Posts: 35
Joined: 24 Jun 09

verifying my site with google

Hello everyone,

I am trying to verify my site with google, but i am getting this error after verifying:

Last attempt Jul 29, 2009: We've detected that your 404 (file not found) error page returns a status of 200 (Success) in the header.

What should i do? I was told that i first had to enter my URL into the Add site area (inside google webmaster tools). Then i was given an option of verifying through either the metatags or html. I chose html.

Then i used notepad (with the google code in it) and uploaded that file to my root directory server. Then i tried to verify, hence this message. What should i do?

NOTE: I used fantastico for my wordpress blog...
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That error message means that google did not find the html verification file on your server. Re-upload the verification file and before you attempt to verify make sure that you can bring up the file in your browser.
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hey perswealth when you do the html way, open notepad leave the page blank and put the code in as the file name when you save the blank page then upload it to your site and it should work.
let me know if you get it sorted
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Thank you very much Fara and EvoBilly,

I'm actually at the J.O.B. so i can't do it now. I'll try it when i get home.

And Fara, i actually copied that link into the browser and i did see the page come up, so i'm jusy perplexed as to why i couldn't get verified. And i verified another site (but didn't use the Affiloblueprint theme on that one) using the exact steps that i did on this one, and that one was no problem. So maybe it's an issue with the Affiloblueprint theme? I don't know. But i will try again when i get home and report back.
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hey guys,

Ok, i'm home, i tried it again, and it didn't work. I don't know what else i can do. any ideas?
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what part of your host did you upload the page to because if you try to load it up you should get a white blank screen if it loads your header and sidebar links then you have ether saved the file name wrong or uploaded in the wrong location
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Hello Evobilly,

it showed a blank white screen. but i tried another way;

I used the meta tags way of verifying, and i got verified. But it also said something else. My site wasn't indexed. When i clicked on the "why not" link after it said it wasn't indexed, it said this:

Google doesn't index all my pages

If your site isn't appearing in Google search results, or it's performing more poorly than it once did (and you believe that it does not violate our webmaster guidelines), you can ask Google to reconsider your site.

Request reconsideration of your site.

Then when i click on the "Request reconsideration of your site." link, it says:

Please allow several weeks for the re-evaluation process. Unfortunately, we can't reply individually to reconsideration requests.

Choose the site below that you want us to evaluate. You can choose any verified site. If you would like us to evaluate a site that is not available in this list, add that site to your account and verify site ownership. Then, return to this page.

So, i guess i will have to wait a few weeks for my site to be indexed, which sucks. I guess that isn't so bad. I guess i could just keep writing content on the page and when they see it, and hopefully index it, then i can move on with my life. But all this brings me to a question that you might be able to help me with:

Do you think all this nonsense happened because of the Affiloblueprint theme? I did this same procedure to another site of mine a few days ago, and no problems at all. The only difference between then and this time is that i DIDN'T use the Affiloblueprint theme before. So of i change the theme now (or used another theme before), would i get the same error message? I'm tempted to try. I just want to know the problem why it didn't go through (if it''s the theme, then i'll change it, if it's something i did, then i would like to know what it is and correct it so i don't make the mistake again in the future).

It's the not knowing thing that annoys me. Well, anyway, sorry for the rant.
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do you have the most up to date theme i use the blueprint 1.1 theme myself and haven't had any issues when i did my google webmaster verifying its a strange one.
How long has your site been live online for? you can check to see if its indexed by typing the exact url into a google search. if your site is only new it may not have been indexed to start with.

good luck it should all come right with a bit of time.
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For the best guide to sell physcal products as a affiliate check out Matt Carters Rapid Profit Formula

If your having trouble re-writing your articles i recommend checking out this tool to make it quick and easy

If you want to outsource your articles this place seems to be good value and easy to deal with, and its free to sign up they offer a 100% American writing team
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my site just came online, but i did the same process with another site (that just came online, but not using the affiloblueprint them on this one) and had no problems. Strange
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This topic was started on Jul 29, 2009 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.