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Using Free Word Press Themes

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Joined: 15 Feb 11

Using Free Word Press Themes

I am setting up my second affiliate site and was wondering if I could use one of the free Word Press themes as long as I set it up with the correct plug-ins and changes that Mark suggested in the blog/boot camp video. I already have one site setup using the blue theme from that boot camp.

Maybe this is not necessary but I kinda like for my sites not to all have the same look. I know that I could buy Artisteer to make my own, but right now I just cannot afford to buy it. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Oh and one more question on the blue theme it is showing in the url the correct information except at the end it also includes a page number. How do I stop this as it really looks stupid? Here is an example of what it is showing.

Thanks for any help in advance,
Mike Catron
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Last edited by sydney on 29 Mar 11 12:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Fixed broken link

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Joined: 08 Jul 10
Are you using Affilotheme? It does make the process of building and customizing your site easier. If you have that I recommend you just tweak that so that your site looks different.

That said there's nothing stopping you from using other free themes. Just be careful that they are compatible with the latest wordpress (as some aren't regularly updated) and that they are from reputable sources (like from the Wordpress theme directory itself). Matt Carter has a free theme that he gives away if you sign up for his list and that works fine. Another popular free one is Flexibility and they have an option for a paid one though it's not a must-have.

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I'm not using wordpress for my affiloblueprint sites, but I do have some experience with it and I'd say it would probably be better to learn how to do some basic css tweaking to change the look of your site rather than that using a free theme just to get a different look. It sounds like the affiloblueprint theme has some great features that would be hard to mimic through plugins if you weren't 100% sure what you were doing. It's the functionality of a theme that makes it great, no so much the appearance- because the appearance is fairly easy to change.
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I agree with ElanaM100. The features included with AffiloTheme can't all be done with plugins. What you can do is come up with different images for the backgrounds, header, and footer of your website so that it does not look at all like any other site using AffiloTheme.

As for the text, you have the option to choose the font, color, and size. You also have the option to choose the sidebar position as well as the width of both the sidebar and the article panel.

Basically, you just need to tweak AffiloTheme here and there and you will come up with a unique-looking site.

You could also design your own wordpress theme using Artisteer. It has a trial mode so you can test it first and buy only if it meets your requirements.

Just bear in mind that you will not be able to take advantage of the squeeze page templates that have been tried and tested by Mark if you do not use AffiloTheme.
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WordPress is a free platform that is often seen as just a platform for a blog but with a few deft tweaks and nudges it will become a perfectly good website and the best thing about it is that is free to use and is updated by the internet community and no one person owns it rather like a co-operative system. The thing that I like about this system is that their are so many different ways you can use it and there are hundreds of plug-ins that you can use. Plug-ins are exactly that, digital plug-ins for your website. They are for using to hide pages and add certain features to your site such as Google analytics and auto responders. The potential of a WordPress site is enormous.premium Wordpress themes
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