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Transfering hosting from Go Daddy to Hostgator

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Joined: 28 Apr 09

Transfering hosting from Go Daddy to Hostgator

Most of my domains and hosting are through godaddy. I would like to transfer the hosting to Hostgator. Can this be done, and if so how? See little info on this. Maybe not looking in the right spots. Thanks
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Last edited by michellerana on 15 Mar 10 2:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: improve title to describe the post better

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Yes, you could transfer your domains from Go Daddy to Hostgator. The first thing that you have to do is backup your existing website. Then transfer your domain name by changing the Domain Name Server (DNS) or Name Server information to your new host's DNS information. It may take 24-48 hours for it to propagate so your site will experience a downtime.

After the domain name transfer has been completed, you can now upload your files to your new web host (using FTP). Then test if your site is up and running and if all services are working on your new host (including email services). You can then cancel your previous hosting account.
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Thanks Michellerana. I thought so and thanks for confirming it. I hate the down part. Gonna cost me. But worth it in the end.
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Site Admin
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No, you won't experience any downtime.

If you've got both your hostgator and your godaddy hosting running at the same time, simply upload all the content from your site onto your second hosting so that it's basically an exact duplicate of your original site.

Set the DNS, and then just don't make any changes to either site during that propagation period. Since both sites are basically mirrors of each other, there won't be any downtime: It'll just switch from pointing at one hosting account to the other.

The only time you might experience a problem is if you have dynamic aspects like a user forum, where people are going in and changing things during that propagation period.
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Are your changes not showing up on your website? Try doing a hard refresh!
Posts: 30
Joined: 28 Apr 09
Yeah, I've got Hostgator as well so that works out, Thanks ladies!
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Last edited by aletta on 18 Mar 10 9:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Posts: 63
Joined: 17 Mar 10
I need some explanation in layman's term to help do my transfer.

I am currently with InternetBusinessHosting. It is a fairly new hosting service in the UK. Am using it only cos it comes free for a year with a course that I bought.

I now want to transfer my hosting to Hostgator. They will do 1 free transfer for me, but I need to provide my FTP username & password and Control Panel URL, Username and password. Isn't the FTP username and password the same as the Control Panel username and password? Also where can I find the Control Panel URL? My current host works with CPanel, if that is any good.

For the other sites that I want to transfer to hostgator. I read Aletta's reply below that I will need to upload all the content from my site onto hostgator. How do I do that? I don't mean to be a pain, but I am not techy, so it is very much appreciated if you can tell me which icon I need to go to or a step by step of what to do?

I know how to change my DNS so the next step is easy.

After these, do I just wait 48hrs before checking my site and if it is still life, it means that the transfer had been completed smoothly?

Many thanks in advance.
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Posts: 32
Joined: 17 Aug 09
In most cases, your control panel username and password is also your FTP username and password, but there are hosting servers that give you different FTP credentials. You should contact the support team of your current web host and ask for your FTP login.

The procedure for transferring your website depends on what you used to build it. In most cases you would have to backup your site on your current web host, and you would have to upload it to the new web host using an FTP client like Filezilla. I cannot give you specific steps as I do not know how your site was set up.

The 48 hours is for domain propagation. If your new web host allows or enables you to upload your website files even before the propagation is complete, then your site would have virtually no down time and your site will be live on the new server upon the completion of propagation.
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