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sitemap on my blog

Posts: 35
Joined: 24 Jun 09

sitemap on my blog

Hello everyone,

I am using the Affiloblueprint theme, and I just put a sitemap on my blog, but i can't see the sitemap. Is this the case with anyone else? Thanks,
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Posts: 174
Joined: 24 Apr 09
Could you explain a little more on what you did
If you added xml sitemap plugin it will not show but is available to the search engines
Blog with Affillo theme?
If you want a visible sitemap you need to add a page with the links and add it to your menu or footer
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Posts: 35
Joined: 24 Jun 09
oh, ok. I wasn't sure. it's just that i go to some websites and see the "sitemap" link on there, and yes i did download the plugin to my wordpress blog. but if i'm not supposed to see it, and it's still doing what it's supposed to, then no worries ; ) And yes, i'm using the Affiloblueprint theme and i thought that was the reason i wasn't seeing the sitemap link on my site. Thanks,
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Posts: 75
Joined: 29 Apr 09
How do you create a visible site map like the one on wowblackbook. Is there a template for it or something, it looks easy, but it's not. I don't even know how you get the color green in there.

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This topic was started on Aug 06, 2009 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
