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Sitemap HELP - doubling up

Posts: 42
Joined: 23 Nov 09

Sitemap HELP - doubling up

Hello Everyone.

My human readable sitemap has some issues.

For starters on the page tab it says "nothing found for sitemap". Secondly on the actual sitemap page the list is doubled, that it is is on two times. I am really struggling at the moment and am starting to wonder if I should take a course in html so I can fully understand and fix my own website problems.

Thank you in advance for your help!
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Posts: 1895
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I suggest you start over. It's easier to start from scratch than try to fix something when we do not really know what's causing it.
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Posts: 42
Joined: 23 Nov 09
Thanks for your reply Fara, but to clarify do you mean remove the sitemap and reinstall it - how would I do that?
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Site Admin
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Joined: 09 Jul 06
Oh dear!

This is in XSitePro I assume?
You don't actually get to look at your sitemap in XSitePro. It doesn't have access to all those tabs like you normally use to edit your pages.

If it's doubling up when you publish it, click on your sitemap when you're in the "page settings" tab in XSP.

Click "Open site map settings screen"

When I first created mine, it had both "Style 1: Alphabetical" and "Style 2" Based on the page order" ticked. I wonder if that could have doubled up your sitemap stuff?

I'm a big fan of learning HTML so you can fix things (or at least recognize what a problem is) but I don't know if a lesson in HTML is going to help you here! This is pure XSP weirdness :)
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Are your changes not showing up on your website? Try doing a hard refresh!
Posts: 42
Joined: 23 Nov 09
Hi Aletta,

Thanks for your reply but Im talking about Wordpress...

Yes there is something freakishly enjoyable about understanding even a little bit about HTML...
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Site Admin
Posts: 3392
Joined: 09 Jul 06
What are you using to make a "human readable" sitemap?
Plugin of some variety?

Wordpress is even freakier than XSP sometimes. MANY more things that can go wrong!
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Are your changes not showing up on your website? Try doing a hard refresh!

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