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Site Layout - one article per page?

Posts: 43
Joined: 02 Nov 09

Site Layout - one article per page?

Hi Mark and support crew,

Just watching the blogging bootcamp replay and have a query. It appears Mark has used the articles as individual posts rather than individual pages. I was under the impression that we were building a site where each article represented a different page. I believe some of Mark's other sites (eg are like this if I am not mistaken. I thought the idea was to eventually get backlinks back to many pages within the site not just the home page. Am I missing something? Why are we doing it this way? I'm sure there is a reason that I must be missing.

Any thoughts would be great.

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Last edited by michellerana on 15 Dec 09 2:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: improve title

Posts: 43
Joined: 02 Nov 09
Ok, Ok, I should have waited until the very end in the video before asking the question. Oops! My mistake there. But I still have a few questions regarding the structure / layout of the flight simulator site (and by default, the site I am building!).

1. Will Mark use an article (written by the elance writer) as the content on his "home page". If not, what would he write about (in general terms) for this page.

2. Will he have a specific review of the product? Will he review competing products? (he did this on his dog obedience site)

3. How do you build an index of articles in the column with links to individual articles? Or could mark use his category tab in the left as a quasi index. If so, would he re-label it as "Articles Index" or something similar??
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Joined: 27 Jul 09
I noticed that in his other demo on beekeeping, he built the site wiht each article on a Page and not a Post. Was wondering why the change, as each article on the Flight Simulator is done as a post. Might have to go and watch the video again.

As for getting articles showing, it is a feature of the theme he is using. You can do this with a free plugin that list either most popular post, or latest post and choose how many you want to show.

If you put all your articles as pages, you can then just choose to show the "page widget" which will list all the pages in the sidebar.

If all your articles are posts, set up a category with a keyword rick mame like flight simulator articles. Then save all your articles under this category.

Hope that helps.
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Posts: 43
Joined: 02 Nov 09
Thanks Magnolia.
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Posts: 5
Joined: 22 Nov 09
In WordPress...
Under 'Settings'....
Change 'Blog pages show at most' to 1....
This should show one post (article) at a time.
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This topic was started on Dec 14, 2009 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
