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Secondary Website Pages Not Showing

Posts: 3
Joined: 01 May 09

Secondary Website Pages Not Showing

Trying to get my website fully uploaded to my hosting. I've uploaded the site and the only page that shows correctly is the home page. All other article pages show "page cannot be found" and shows the error 404. I am using 1and1 Hosting. Any suggestions before I give a call into the hosting companies tech support?
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Posts: 11
Joined: 28 Apr 09
I have the same problem. Have tried and tried to get help on it from customer service. No luck so far. If you keep them as .html which is NOT what the video says to do then your pages will probably show up, mine do. But if I change them to the .php format as instructed in videos on week 3 then my pages get the error message and don't show up. Please let me know if you get it resolved....I would love to be able to fix mine.
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Posts: 3
Joined: 01 May 09
I finally did get the pages to show up when I went into the ftp account and deleted the .php files. I continue to have the problem of not being able to get the pages to show as .php files. Called my hosting company and didn't get anywhere. It may have been the fact that I couldn't understand a word they were saying. I've always had a hard time understanding some non-native English speakers. Still, they didn't have any solutions for me and directed me on to Xsite Pro customer service. Anyway, I left the pages as .html for now until I have to run a script requiring .php. I'll tackle that problem when I get there. I'll be sure to post back for anyone having the same problem once I figure out a solution.
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Posts: 194
Joined: 01 Jan 10
I have found that the html code pages receive the primary action when loading your website.

My answer has been to use a ftp program and remove or delete the html pages that are to be replaced with php. If this means all of the pages - that's okay.

This has worked for me. Hope it answers your problem.

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Site Admin
Posts: 753
Joined: 28 Mar 10
It might be that the default index page of your hosting account was set to index.html. To verify this, open your .htaccess file and look for a code that goes like this:

If this is the case, the server would always look for the index.html even if you have your home page set as index.php. If there is no index.html, you would see an error on your home page. This can be fixed by correcting the "DirectoryIndex" code.

The code should be like this:

The code above means that the server would first look for the 'index.html' file, if it cannot see an 'index.html' file, it will look for 'index.htm', and finally 'index.php'. If you have both index.html and index.php uploaded into your account, the index.html will be displayed instead since it is the first file defined in the list. You'll have to delete index.html in order for index.php to show up.

Or you can also configure the Directoryindex like this:

So that it will only be looking for 'index.php'.
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