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sales page/pages/categories??? Review my site please?

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sales page/pages/categories??? Review my site please?

I bought a domain name with the KW I want to build out and possibly make an authority site. I left off the categories, thinking my main page should be my sales page......But I am adding pages and content for SEO. I could really use some direction from here and am wondering if "ya'll" think I should add categories, sell more than one product....etc.
I think I am having some problem with the concept of main domain, main keyword, sales page, etc. When I do my KW research, I am unsure whether I start with the longtail and hopefully get traffic for the harder KW. Should the domain be the harder keyword and I build out the longertail...Do you see where I am having trouble understanding the process? Also - if I am selling a product - will my content be selling content (which at the moment mostly is) or info content which takes away from my selling pitch? This is a long question, but I think it might help others... my domain is Thanks for clearing up my confusion!
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"ya'll" think I should add categories, sell more than one product

It's best to be promoting 3 products at the most. Your users have an option of which program to go with, so you don't lose a sale as opposed to setting up a site where you are promoting only one product. If the user does not like the product, they walk away and you do not have any sale.

If you have a lot of articles, then arranging them in categories help users to better see the information you have on your site and navigate through articles better.

You have a good looking sales page but it does not really provide me information as far as my child's behavior problems go. All iI get are the words FREE splashed out across various parts of the sales page, then you refer me to another page, the merchants page, where I need to place my email address so I can get more information.

I suggest you place some links to your other content on a part of the sales page. Maybe instead of one long sales page, you can create page that gives users information on how to tackle one child behavior, the refer them to the merchant site through an affiliate link.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Thanks Cecille, for your help. I didn't understand the "free" across my pages? I don't see where you are seeing that. I realize my website doesn't offer too many answers at the moment, and I will be adding articles and doing internal linking. Is there an order to where I put my products - for example, should they be on Home page of main domain? This is where I am trying to organize my thinking. My main domain is main keyword, and am unsure how this domain with separate pages (product?) stand up as far as organic SEO. And when it comes to SEO what is the difference between pages and categories? Any help is extremely appreciated! It would be SO GREAT if someone would possibly give us a diagram on how to map out the whole domain/pages/categories as far as covering kw vs longtail.....I have seen PPG's mindmap for SEO but it seems to show us domains/ 2.0's/blogs.....
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HI, I had seen your site. According to me this good enough. I like to suggest you a tool which enable your site visitors to search IP addresses. If you like to do this you can get the coding for the tool at Thanks.
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Thanks.....I am not adept at adding html and have lost a lot of work playing with it. Can you tell me why a visitor might want to search IP addresses?
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Thanks Cecille, for your help. I didn't understand the "free" across my pages?

If you look at the page, you see that the thumbnails on the videos show "Get the program FREE", you scroll to the testimonial and it says "These parents got the program FREE". To me, it appears that all the page wants is for me to sign up to this free program. There's no answer to the question: What's in it for me? Aside from it being free? Or at the very least, give information on why kids misbehave.

Is there an order to where I put my products - for example, should they be on Home page of main domain?

There is no order on where to put your products. Some have place all their products under one category, while others categorize articles based on what the topics are about. What I do is I let my keywords guide me. I use my target keywords as categories or variations of my target keywords as categories. You might also want to look at Mark's site and see how he has set up his articles and categories.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Thanks so much Cecille!
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This topic was started on Aug 27, 2012 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
