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Remove main navigation menu from custom page template

Posts: 12
Joined: 06 Jun 12

Remove main navigation menu from custom page template

Hi guys,
This is a question related directly to the affilotheme. I want to create a landing page and have created a new custom page template but i want to remove the main navigation menu from this page, do anyone know how to do this.
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Posts: 475
Joined: 28 Apr 09

If the code for the main menu is in the header file, you may have to edit and add some code that detects the current page. For example, if the page is the landing page, don't show the menu, if the page is any other page, then show the menu.

Just a few basic lines of (if) php.
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Thanks for the reply esolutions although you haven't answered the question. I have solved the problem in another forum, looks like this forum is not the place for "technical" questions
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Posts: 36
Joined: 23 May 12
Yup, it is pretty easy. But you left out the part where you have to wait for the information to propagate. If you try to access your site through your domain name immediately after setting your nameservers you probably won't be able to get to it because the information hasn't spread through the internet yet. It can take between 2 and 24 hours for this to happen.
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This topic was started on Jun 15, 2012 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
