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Questions about aged domains

Posts: 361
Joined: 10 May 11

Questions about aged domains

So is there really any benefit to purchasing an aged domain? If so, what are the benefits?

I figure it will probably have a higher page rank, but does the page rank carry over to the next owner if the previous owner doesn't renew their domain, or will it go back to 0?

And if the page rank does carry over, is that the only benefit of an aged domain, or are there other benefits?

What if the previous owner of the domain was penalized by google, does that carry over to the new owner? Their webpages could have been penalized in the search engines. But, their webpages would get removed once the domain changes owners, so I would assume that doesn't carry over unless google also penalizes domains. Does google penalize domains?

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Posts: 54
Joined: 06 Jun 12
Since the old inbound links will most probably still exist, the link juice will still affect your site, whether that's good or bad.

From my experience, I've had 2 month old pages that outrank the 5 year old site or the product I was promoting. Not often, but it does happen.

I've heard 100 times over not to but a site that has a Google penalty. Google doesn't seem to pay a whole lot of attention to whois data. Also, if changing owner could remove a Google penalty, all we would have to do is fake a transfer and it would be fixed - too easily manipulated.

I personally believe the main benefit of buying an aged domain is not the age per-se, but the existing link profile and link juice if they were good links.

Matt Cutts claims that their qualification of domain age is also based on when they first scraped the site, not on whois information.

While I take anything he says with a grain of salt, that makes sense to me.
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Posts: 361
Joined: 10 May 11
How do you tell if an aged domain has been penalized by google before buying it?
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Posts: 54
Joined: 06 Jun 12
Do a google for ""

If a website exists but there are no pages in listed in the search results it is most likely very very new and has not yet been indexed, or has been de-indexed.

If there are only 1 or 2 pages in the search results yet the site has many pages it could very probably have been penalized by Google.

I'm not exactly sure of any way to find out 100% for sure. I was de-indexed a couple of weeks ago (still not sure why), I went from 4,000 pages to no pages listed in Google at all over night.

Over the next 2 weeks everything slowly started to come back and I'm back up to normal again now.
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