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PLZ HELP! Plus What Would You Do With This Domain Name

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PLZ HELP! Plus What Would You Do With This Domain Name

Hey guys n gals,

Been a super long time since I've been active here. My first affilorama site following the blueprint went really well up until the first major google update back in October 2011 it was actually making around $400 a week then went downhill fast soon after.

Now, ever since and this has been going on since my site got hit I've been to scared to build links and I'm actually to scared to commit to working HARD on a site like I did with the one that got hit with a penalty. I can't focus and I'm really desperate because I can't find work offline, down to my last few pennies.

I'm really really just stuck in a super bad routine and can't seem to shake it...

Anyways I have a domain name I think is pretty cool - now I know you shouldn't create a site purely on the domain name but I have had some ideas but yeah I just get scared away from committing to working on it.

The domain name I'm looking for ideas is

My thoughts - slap a quick lander up promoting something like market samurai + a backlink building software like magic submitter and maybe affilorama blueprint

On the lander have something like -
3 Must Have Ninja Tools For Massive Traffic
Have an optin with a bonus
drive traffic purely from article submission and video submissions

^ Is this a good idea or am I just being lazy lol.
What would you do?
Quick and nasty lander - not worrying about seo
Authority style blog/site
outsource a product like ebook or something?

Trouble with doing the 2nd and 3rd option is these days I have no idea how to get a decent amount of traffic?
Your thoughts?
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The affiliate marketing ninja!
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Hi magnizmo,

I think you should watch Mark's Millionaire Mindset video so you can get some fresh prespective. :) I know how frustrating it is to work hard at something and then have it go down like that. Whatever happened to that site? Is it still up?

These days you need to build an authority site, or as close to that as possible so I don't think having just a "killing landing page" will work. That's if you're looking at long term. Otherwise, the landing page will be just fine.

Ever since the Panda update it's been more difficult to get your pages to rank in the SERPs. It's difficult, but not impossible. You'll just have to put in the effort.

I think more than anything, it is your current mindset that is stopping you from taking action. I hope you get your groove back soon.

All the best!
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Thanks cecille,

I ended up selling the site that got hit, that was < I think I had around 80-90 articles on it. When it lost its rankings I was devastated. Now when I try and focus I go numb and because I'm really struggling financially - to the point of not being able to afford internet/hosting ect it puts even more pressure on me.

It is a horrible mind set and I really want to shake it but like I said I'm really numb.
I also have + about 20 other sites but they are all unfinished projects. This is another problem I have - start something then the next big idea comes, so I start on that and just keep repeating the cycle.

My ultimate goal would be to get some kind of subscription or membership site going so I can get recurring payments/commissions. I honestly feel lost I guess you could say.

I really wish I had someone kind of looking over my shoulder like an offline friend or something like a boss I guess you could say to drive me to working on content.

Thanks for the tip cecille, I will watch the video.
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The affiliate marketing ninja!
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My suggestion is to get a part-time job that is going to support you. It is so hard to just throw something together and hit a home run that will solve all your money problems.

And I don't like the idea of throwing up a site that teaches people how to get traffic when you obviously don't know how to get traffic yourself (in the post-Panda and Penguin environment). I don't think there is a lot of integrity in this - you're going to have to lie to people. In my books you only have the right to teach people how to make money online when you are actually doing so successfully yourself.

Finally, regarding your fear of building a lot of links to your sites my advice to you is that the biggest risk is to not take a risk. If you don't do anything that guarantees failure. Why don't you just pick a guinea pig site and go hard on that. See what works and what doesn't work and then apply it to the other sites when you are confident of knowing what to do.
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And I don't like the idea of throwing up a site that teaches people how to get traffic when you obviously don't know how to get traffic yourself (in the post-Panda and Penguin environment). I don't think there is a lot of integrity in this - you're going to have to lie to people.

^ That's actually a very good point and what has been stopping me ever since I actually bought the domain. I used to own and was putting a MMO forum together with a partner but that fell through and I sold the domain/forum to him but kept because I thought it would be cool for later on down the track.

As for the job, I am and have been looking for a job that I can do. I have a disease in my back which restricts the type of work I can do and where I live - Bundaberg, Queensland Australia we have the highest unemployment rate in the state. I want to move where there is work but I have some problems there as well because my wife doesn't want to move until the kids are finished school.

It's getting that way that I'm over applying for jobs because it's always the same old story - sorry your application was unsuccessful

Anyway, thanks heaps of the advice will definitely take it on board - I need to stop procrastinating I feel like a noob again at square one I really do, yet I know so much. I can write copy that converts, I know web design and all the basics it's just traffic and link building that stalls me.

I have 30+ domain names which is way to much for me at this stage because they are all a distraction.
Off to watch some of Marks vids, hopefully I will pull myself together and get out of this rutt I'm in.

Cheers easyrider
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The affiliate marketing ninja!
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Hi Warren,

A few things:

1. If you're not able to focus and continue until completion on one project, then none will work, but you already know that, so... pick one site to focus on and sell all the rest. Post them up on this forum, if you don't get any takers, you can try Flippa as well.

2. Get a job, especially a mindless type job that doesn't deplete you mentally (so that you can focus on your site when you're not "working")

3. If you did choose to stick with Ninjatraffic, I agree with Easyrider in that you shouldn't lie, BUT, you could turn the site into a discovery of sorts by blogging and writing about your journey, explaining your research, what tools you are using, what is working for you and what is not. That's honest, that's real and could be very valuable. There are tons of people that are more clueless than ever about traffic, so you can learn and share at the same time as well as establishing the site as a go to source.
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Thanks esolution :)
The journal is actually a good suggestion I could have case studies ect.

But yes I need to sell up and focus hard on one project again until I master it.
It's weird because I know all this but for some reason my brain or mind set
at the moment is not allowing me to because I just go numb.

I watch the video - Mind Set of Action
last night and and some of what was talked about really made sense.

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The affiliate marketing ninja!
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What helped me was watching Mark's Bootcamp Videos (3 of them I think)
Got me going and stopped dragging my feet. Hope it helps.
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Hi Warren,

Some of the forum members here have provided some great advice. You need to watch out for the 'next shiny object' syndrome. If you are getting emails for other affiliate programs / offers - delete them.

Having so many domains can feel overwhelming. Follow Mark's videos to a T and find one profitable niche and get that happening. Don't even think about your other domains and those thoughts are just clogging your brain.

I have been in a similar situation. I have 3 little children, I work from home when I can, my ex went bankrupt and sent us bankrupt as a result so I didn't have enough money each month to pay my expenses. I had to ask my brain 'how' I could get through (even though I started hyperventilating for the first time in my life) and then by asking 'how' I came up with a solution. I even considered doing other people's ironing at home (and I have a Post Grad and was the founding director of a successful web company before I had kids so I'm employable) So, I hear your frustration.

I found these things helped:

1. Be grateful even for the smallest of things (flowers, sunshine (get some as it gives you positive energy - work in the sun for an hour on your lap top a day for Vitamin D), a house to live in, beautiful children...etc.
2. Remember you can only control what is within your control. (kids need to stay where they are so put that behind you and change what you are able to)
3. Write an action plan and mark one thing off a day ( tutorial from AB a day)
4. Meditation is great for healing
5. Food is great for healing (especially raw food - google it)
6. Take a different action and you get a different result.
7. Do things you enjoy as happiness creates further positivity and motivation (step outside the square)
8. Read Eckhart Tolle's work
9. When you are aware of a bad thought entering your mind, witness it and change it. Change can only come through awareness
10. Fake a smile for 1 minute in the mirror every hour as the body responds to this and creates happy hormones (yes, even if it is fake).

I hope that helps. I have a few domains too but probably not as many as you. I am slowly getting around to them but my children are my priority when they are home. I also love blogging and creating them so I can be found at my lap top until 2am sometimes. :-)

Stay well and stay happy :-)

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