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Please Review My Website - Thanks!

Posts: 26
Joined: 03 Jun 12

Please Review My Website - Thanks!


Can somebody please review my website?

I've only added content for five articles so far. I hope I've followed the Steps although I've used my own Privacy Policy statement and used a different Contact Us page.

I know I need to set up a separate email account, I need to add some images to posts which I haven't bought yet, and I haven't set up the internal linking yet, but I can do these in the next few days.

I just don't want to waste time and money if it's not good enough or if I've gone wrong.

I'm also still working on choosing more keywords for articles, the appearance and will be adding Google Analytics next.

Any feedback would be great. I really do need it as I haven't much experience and don't know many people that do IM.

Thank you.

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Posts: 7
Joined: 01 Jul 12
You are on the right track - it will take more time and content but good job so far!!!
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Posts: 59
Joined: 09 Mar 11
In general, the website is not bad, but as for me personally, I think it's too greyish. Make it more appealing visually. Also I'll advise to redo the header, incorporate some scrollable header banners, they will definitely make the website more catchy. Top menu (the buttons of top menu) will recommend to highlight a little, make them more distinctive. And what about empty space in the footer? Where are the links, social media icons, etc? You will need to think about filling in that area. So my main point is that you have to work on the look and feel of the website, as the content is rather good and interesting to read
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Posts: 26
Joined: 03 Jun 12

You're right. I haven't concentrated on the Look and Feel as I was more interested in whether the content was good enough. The content is what I struggle doing the most.

I just wanted to know if the niche was worth persuing - I know I've done my keyword research but you can't always tell what will happen until you try but don't want to waste too much time and money if it is a dud.
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This topic was started on Jul 01, 2012 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
