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Please Review My Muscle Building Website

Posts: 23
Joined: 01 Jan 10

Please Review My Muscle Building Website

Hi All,

I would appreciate if I could get some feedback for my website: What improvements I could make and the like.

Thanks to all who reply.
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Last edited by omf1120 on 14 Mar 10 8:52 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Posts: 25
Joined: 18 Sep 09
I think it looks great. Clean and sharp. Specific things to give thought to:
1. The "home" page had no monetization, so I hope you don't direct people there.
2. I always feel that you should always have a privacy policy and contact.
3. I would maybe clean up your affiliate links.
4. You don't have an affiliate disclaimer on there. I don't know how vigorously that is being monitored, but when you went to such trouble to build a nice site, why risk it?
Good luck!
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Posts: 23
Joined: 01 Jan 10
Hi rediotus,

Thanks alot for the nice comments and the feedback. I have gone ahead and made the necessary changes. A bit more insight on #3 would great.

Thanks again
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Posts: 239
Joined: 29 Apr 09
By cleaning up your affiliate links, rediotus meant you will need to cloak them. People do not like clicking on raw affiliate links. So cloak them using pretty link plugin. Check it out at:

Adding to the review, on the homepage I think you would do better if you made it a bit more compelling to people so that they continue reading the rest of the articles on your website. The homepage is the introduction page and your chance to tell them what visitors will get from your Website or to wet their appetite for more content that you have to offer. Also from the market discovery part of the course you should know the pains and frustrations of the visitor. If you appeal to what they are missing out on, then they will want to stay and look at your website, instead of hitting the back button or going elsewhere.

I look at the homepage and I see the title and then two bold sentences: "change your diet" and "exercise regularly" which stand out. These are two tips or advice that have been over used in the diet and fitness market. They are also cliche. I think it would work better if you offered something different while tapping into their emotional pains and frustrations.

With so many people creating muscle building and lose weight Websites everyday you will need to be unique and different in order to stand out and get those affiliate sales.

Sorry if I may have appeared harsh, apart from what I outlined above, your doing a great job. I am just giving my advice from the many diet, health, fitness and muscle building Websites that I have created.

Anyway I hope that helps a bit.
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Posts: 23
Joined: 01 Jan 10

Thanks for the great insight. I actually outsource the writing part of my business. The intro is just a temporary one, until i could get a better writer to write it for me.

I do see a link in your sig, is that your own company? if so, you will be hearing from me soon.

Let me know.
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Posts: 35
Joined: 24 Jun 09
The site looks great, nice setup and the fonts match with the theme of the niche being marketed some back links which is always good,great example of a niche site
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