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Please Critique My Site - I Need Some Sales!!!!!

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Please Critique My Site - I Need Some Sales!!!!!

Hi Everyone.

I've recently got my first site up & running and I was hoping to get some feedback as to what you think.

The site is

My site has been live for around 4 months now. Google Analytics show 673 visits since October 1st, although around 400 of these were from a small Google PPC campaign, which in 10 days, brought in just over 400 visits with a 0.24% bounce rate. On average my site gets around 1-10 organic visits per day, which is gradually rising due to 10 of my pages being first page on google (all my pages have an A+ rating in TT).

My Clickbank stats show that 1060 have clicked on my affiliate links, however only 9 of these made it all the way to the order page.

The problem is, I am still waiting for my first sale!!!

I've recently started building backlinks to the site, adding my address to 15 squidoo pages based on hemorrhoids.

I've also uploaded 26 articles to AMA which have so far been approved 486 times, however Google is only showing 10 backlinks so far. I realise it could take some time to show them all, but is this normal for AMA?

(Just a quick question - My clickbank stats show a couple of spikes in clicks, 178 one day & 155 on another day on my affiliate links which don't correspond to the number of visits that day. I take it these are from my links within my distributed articles. Is this correct?)

I've recently re-designed the site to make it easier on the eye, & I'm preparing another PPC campaign which I want to test on Google, Bing & Yahoo which will hopefully bring in some sales. I also have a couple of reviews to add for other products.

My main worry is that I have picked the wrong keywords to focus on, i'm getting good results from Google, but I don't think they're buying keywords.

Please let me know what you think. I know these things can take some time to get going, and i'm trying to keep the faith, but I need a couple of sales to get the ball rolling!

Many Thanks In Advance.
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Paul - Your Guide To Hemorrhoids, Their Sign, Symptoms, Treament & Cure.
Posts: 47
Joined: 29 May 09
Hello Paul, I think that you have a pretty nice site. My opinion is (take it with a grain of salt) that your page width is just way to wide (sidebar width is a little wide too).

To me it is quite distracting. I do not know if it will make any difference on your sales but I do think it makes a difference on how long somebody sticks around on the site and may affect page views per visitor.
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Give somebody a hug>>
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Your site looks pretty good. I don't know exactly what your keywords are, but based on the article titles, it seems like you probably chose good keywords (buying keywords).

You said you've recently started building backlinks. This is good. It may take some time (a few months) for the to get picked up by search engines.

In addition to Squidoo and AMA, build some Hubpages hubs, submit to Ezine Articles and at least 10-15 other article directories. Consider using the Free Traffic System. It's just like AMA, but free. You already have your atricles formatted for AMA, so just run a simple find/replace operation on the spinning syntax and you can have them ready to go for FTS.

Again, from a quick glance, your site looks fine and it should make you some sales with more traffic. Focus on linkbuilding and you should get some good results over time.
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Thanks for getting back so quickly guys.

sheepfarmer - I can see what your saying. I've just recently changed the width as I thought the sizes from the Affiloblueprint looked a little too narrow, and I wanted the text larger & easier to read, I'll have a play around with the width & try to find a happy medium.

cterao - I'll look into getting some hubpages built. Is is worth building some squidoo pages aswell, as i'm just listed on some at the moment. I have just signed up for FTS, but will I have to rewrite all the articles from AMA to avoid duplicate content? I am also considering a Complete Link Building Solution package from Submit Edge, anyone had any experience of this service?

Again many thanks for the reply's, i'll keep plugging away!
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Paul - Your Guide To Hemorrhoids, Their Sign, Symptoms, Treament & Cure.
Posts: 647
Joined: 18 Aug 09

Definitely keep using Squidoo as well. Don't worry about rewriting your AMA articles for FTS. Just think of FTS as a way to get even more backlinks from the same articles you've already spun for AMA.
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I did AffiloBlueprint for one year -

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Are you promoting the right product? What are the PPC people promoteing under your keywords?
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JC Dean
Posts: 239
Joined: 29 Apr 09
Just a quick add to the conversation. I think it would be a good idea to add your call to action "Click Here For The Top Rated Hemorrhoid Cure – H Miracle" above the fold on all your pages. So even if people come to your website, take one glance and then want to leave it adds another opportunity for you to get the click.

The site looks good overall. Just keep building links and give your site some love and you should be good.
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hi Hamsta,
Your page looks fine, I only think you are offering too many cures. Thinking from a patient's point of view it is confusing. A person who is in pain wants a cure, not all of them. Think of it like this: I am hurting, bothered by a constant, sharp pain in the butt (pardon my french) and I need a solution . NOW!!
I can't be bothered by reading through all the product reviews, they all promise me relief anyway.
I am only a beginner, so do with my comment as you wish. But if I were to visit a doctor with such a problem, he would give one perscription, not 5.
Good luck and all the best for your sales!
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Joined: 07 May 09
Hi Guys.

Just a quick update to say...I Made A Sale!!!

Hopefully it's the first of many, my pages are creaping up Google as I speak, a couple are already number 1!

I'm still working on building the backlinks & have some extra products to add. There are some modifications to make, and i'm going to upload all my articles to Free traffic System which will hopefully help.

Again, thanks for the pointers, hope your all doing well.

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Paul - Your Guide To Hemorrhoids, Their Sign, Symptoms, Treament & Cure.

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