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Pages Not Showing Up-HELP!!!

Posts: 35
Joined: 16 Sep 10

Pages Not Showing Up-HELP!!!

Hello My Wonderful, Supportive New Friends! (hahaha did I suck up enough?)

Ok, my problem:
I've got 3 pages uploaded to my Wordpress site.
I've made a static page.
Yet, I am not able to understand how to get the other pages showing? It says they are published and yet I do not see them.
I've gone to Pages, clicked on edit a page, now what am I to do?
On Page Attributes I have tried to make a parent page and number them but they only change the static page???

Thank You,
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Posts: 29
Joined: 30 Nov 09
Hi Red,
Couple of quick things you can check before someone with a bit more knowledge answers :))
On my wordpress site pages will only show in the menu bar at the top, for the whole page to show on the site they must be published as posts, not pages.
Or, go to your dashboard, under ... Settings - Reading... Make sure the "Blog pages show at most" is set at more than 1

Hope this can fix
Steven :))
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Hi Steven,

Thank you so much for getting back to me. I did try your suggestions yet alas did not get the results I wanted. I also remember on one video that they said to use pages so went back to that.

What I did do was play around with a few things. It took me a few frustrating tries but I did get the results I wanted. Also, I am figuring that AB was made before WordPress had installed new the newer versions so I just needed to have patience, perseverance.

I shall list them here in case anyone else is having trouble:

1. First I went to "Menu"s and added a main menu titled "Main Menu". It gave me an option to add my pages which I selected all.
2. Then I went to "Widgets" and moved the "Custom Menu" to the "Side Bar".

It is far from perfect and yet I am learning.

Here's to Success!
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Site Admin
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Affilotheme 3.0 only shows posts. It will not display your pages. If you want your pages to show, you will need to convert them to posts.

The pages are used for your About Us, Privacy Policy, Contact Us, squeeze and PPC pages, not for your articles. You can create links to your pages from the footer by logging in to your WP dashboard. Click Appearance > Theme Options and go to the footer tab. You can select which pages or posts you want linked in the footer.
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Hi Michellerana,

I am scratching my head because I certainly do not want to argue with a staff member. hahaha

I went and looked at my notes and in week 3, building a basic website in wordpress lesson, down at the bottom in the notes where it lists "homework" it says:

»» Add your first three articles to your site. Remember to use “pages” NOT “posts”.

And looking at what I've done, it seems to have turned out ok? I will add my wordpress site if you would care to have a look. Please no laughing. Raw but it is there. hahaha

Thank You,
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ampie g
Posts: 381
Joined: 15 Oct 08
Hi Red, the lessons on Affiloblueprint shows you how to build a site using Affilorama Wordpress theme 1.0 and not Affilotheme (which is version 3.0). I checked your site and you're using Affilotheme 3.0 so your articles should be posts and not pages.

Hope that helps. :)
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Oh wow! Ok, thanks. Glad I put my site in the post then. Gosh, now I've got to start all over. grrrrr hahaha Well, what do they say? They are not problems but challenges. It is all in the experience and what you learn from it. Guess I am saying that more for me.

Here's to Success!
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Site Admin
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I'm sure you'll finish your site soon, Red :)

If there is anything we can help you out with, please let us know :)
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Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37:
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There is a plugin that you can use that will convert your pages to posts for you without losing anything. takes about 30 seconds to fix. I believe it is called p2p plugin or something like that.
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Yes, p2pConverter will convert your pages to posts :)
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This topic was started on Oct 16, 2010 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
