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Instapop registration

Posts: 9
Joined: 06 Mar 09

Instapop registration

Hi guys,

Just trying to make use of the Instapop popover bonus but when I register, I get the email to confirm the registration request, but when I click on that, I get send back to the registration page and cannot login as it says "you have not confirmed your email..." even though the link in the browser is indeed the confirm link within the email?

Anyone else struck the same thing?

What am I missing?

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Web-SEO Services - Helping Business Succeed Online With Successful SEO Strategies
ampie g
Posts: 381
Joined: 15 Oct 08
Hi Darren,

Did you get the same message when you copy and paste the link to your browser? Have you now gotten access to Instapop? Please try to enter your username and password on this login page:

Hope that helps.

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Posts: 9
Joined: 06 Mar 09
hey there ampie - huge delay in getting back to you on this but in short no - just tried again and all that happens is I click the link or copy and paste into the browser and it takes me back to the signup page and if I do it again or try to login from there it simply says email has not been verifyied yet.... have tried four different acct / email combinations - 3 different types of browsers - still no luck! any further ideas?
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Web-SEO Services - Helping Business Succeed Online With Successful SEO Strategies
Posts: 9
Joined: 06 Mar 09
Fixed it - VERY strange - just walked through the same exercise on my PC rather than my macbook pro - and then open the link within web browser through gmail rather than on mail client and good as gold - very weird!
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Web-SEO Services - Helping Business Succeed Online With Successful SEO Strategies
Posts: 1895
Joined: 01 Jun 09
Glad to know you got it working. I'm guessing that what you were seeing on your macbook pro when trying to confirm was a cached page. You can try clearing your browser cache on the mac. I can't tell you how to clear the cache there though as I don't know that much about macs.
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This topic was started on Jun 24, 2009 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
