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How To Promote A WIX Website

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Joined: 31 Oct 13

How To Promote A WIX Website

I am going to promote via a wix website with an upgrade. Any suggestions or comments?
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Posts: 34
Joined: 18 Feb 13
If you will use wix website builder i can say that automated website builder like WIX can be difficult for search engines to crawl and I have seen quite a few questions/complaints on google webmaster forum. There have been many problem with there site when google crawl there website.

You can review here:

Hope it helps :)
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Yeah, I'm not too sure if you mean you're promoting the Wix product on your website (as an affiliate... "earn up to $80 per sale!!!"), or you're trying to drive traffic to a website that is built with Wix.

If you can clarify we can help you a bit better :)
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Are your changes not showing up on your website? Try doing a hard refresh!
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Joined: 31 Oct 13
thanks ~ Joel. I'm promoting an affiliate program on wix (not wix) and I need traffic but I sorta figured it wouldn't pick up with the search engines being that kinda website. It seems to me that the engines really just want to pick up blog sites like wordpress which I'm lazy when it comes to that lol
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Posts: 34
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Yes! Exactly! Wordpress is great when it comes to the search engines and for SEO. . Matt Cutts used Wordpress too and Matt Cutts Discussed about wordpress. You can watch here
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Yeah WordPress is more than a blogging platform now, you could setup a new site in about 10mins, a WP site doesn't have to look/function like a blog either it can be anything you want.

Same for Drupal and the rest. But I will say this; learning the basics of HTML/CSS goes a loooong way if you're an internet entrepreneur, I highly recommend learning the basics, you'd be surprised at what you can do all on your own knowing just the "basics".

I knew nothing about WP/HTML etc., a few years ago but now knowing just the basics (thanks to and other sites), I can edit almost anything on my WP site, and if I get stuck it doesn't take very long to look-up how to do something.

my site's in my sig (NAA), it's WP with a $47 theme, and a bunch of plugins and some trial and error editing and tweaking.

Anyway, I think in the long run it's a good investment to learn the basics of web-development.
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Writing Services -
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you can promote it
by hiring experts from SEOclerks.....
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