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How To Create Call To Action Links

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How To Create Call To Action Links

Hello Cecille:
My goodness, How did you get <a href="" target="_top">Click Here!</a> . to be converted to; http://ab0d8nwl-ch6542rkcuacy1zdk.hop.c ... =DEC132013) with the colour so that it can be redirected to the sales page? This is where my problem is. All of that url/code should be condensed to click here or some other choice. Irrespective of where I place that hoplink it never change its color or took me to the sales page when I click on it. I tried it on one of my posts at as well as a blank page create by words, none changed color or took me to the sale page of the product. I have tried several other products' hoplink and none worked. In addition to that, Isn't the hoplink's URL too long for a blog? Any way you got it working. What did you do and how did you do it? Also, how do you reduce all that URL to just 'click here' or something else also short? It is refreshing to see it works. Please help me to get it work as well. Thank you.



I posted this response about a week ago and no response yet and I still stuck at this point. Please tell me how to get out of this mire that I am in. Thank you.

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To reduce the text to just "click here" you would edit the Anchor Text within the Anchor Link:

The default color is determined by your themes CSS settings.

You can override the themes settings by using the Visual Editor tab > highlight with your mouse the text you want to change > click the Text Color Button dropdown arrow (if you don't see it select Show/Hide kitchen Sink Button), select the color you want.

Here are some random youtube vids to help:

I highly recommend learning the basics of WordPress and the basics of HTML!

For HTML try:

Save yourself hours of struggle learn the basics of HTML.

note: in WordPress there are two tabs when you edit posts/pages, the Visual tab and the Text tab.

The Visual tab is a WYSIWYG editor (what you see is what you get).

The Text tab is where you can edit HTML Code, if you have HTML Code you need to paste in, you should paste it into the Text tab not the Visual tab.

Again I'll say Save yourself hours/days/years! of struggle learn the basics of HTML.
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Hi Phillip,

I apologize for the delay in responding to your post. For some reason I missed it during my daily sweep of the forums.

Andrew's response is most helpful. There is nothing for me to add. Were you able to follow the tutorials he referred to?

If you're still having issues with creating call to action links, then please let me know.

All the best!
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Thank you Cecille. I do understand, these things happen every now and then. It is a pity it came a bit late because my holiday is over and follow up time is scarce again. It can realize this that this is a high power response but, as a not so techy person things are not so clear to me. For example, he spoke about anchor text within the anchor link. I had only the hoplink that click bank generated. If this is what Andrew is referring to, what part of it would be the anchor text and what part would be the anchor link? He also spoke about physically changing colour, Isn't it automatic for the colour to change when a link is inserted into a text? If I get these all cleared up I think I should be there. I am much more informed now than when I started this campaign a few weeks ago. I sense that I am nearly there. Please tell Andrew a whole hearted thank you for the videos and advice. I now see the need for the basic HTML course. Do you know of any free on line tutorial/course that could help me? Thank you Ceceille for your help.
Phillip Thompson.
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Hi Phillip,

The link we're referring to is the affiliate link or hoplink that ClickBank generated for you to promote the product. The "anchor text" is the text that users click on. in the below example, the link comes right after href= and the anchor text is "Click here to view product".

The anchor text is usually blue which is the default color of links on websites. The color of the links can be dictated by the theme your site is using. If you're using Affilotheme 4, you can change the color of the links by going to Affilotheme > Design and Layout > Colors and Fonts. If you wish to override these default colors you can go follow Andrew's suggestion:

You can override the themes settings by using the Visual Editor tab > highlight with your mouse the text you want to change > click the Text Color Button dropdown arrow (if you don't see it select Show/Hide kitchen Sink Button), select the color you want.

CodeAcademy has HTML tutorials, as Andrew suggested. You can also go to W3Schools.

Hope that helps. All the best!
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Thank you Cecille, this sounds good, I am a bit strapped for time but I am going to get in and try ASAP. Thank you very much.
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This topic was started on Dec 29, 2013 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
