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How do I get out of preview in XsitePro

Posts: 311
Joined: 29 Nov 09

How do I get out of preview in XsitePro

Hi Guys

I clicked on preview to see my web site and now I can't see how to get out of the preview mode

I did all my web site design with the sample text in the main body and when I click on any one of my pages a pop up appears saying I can't navigate while in preview.

I have been playing with this problem for 3 days now and have clicked on everything to get out of preview, even right clicking with no message to get out.

Re watching videos didn't help either, and one other problem I think might be related to this is in the video, Mark and Aletta is working on design, Aletta's WoW web site, sizing different panels (main body at 600 pixels and left panel at 180 pixels) , So when I use these same measurements on my web site in the preview mode with the sample text then nothing matches Aletta's work (my web site is much smaller using the same measurements)

So can any one give me suggestions

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Larry Bauge
Site Admin
Posts: 2071
Joined: 13 Jun 06
I know with XSP that when you're in the Page Layout tab and you try to click a link it says you cant navigate in preview mode - is that what you're refering to? This is normal and cant be changed.

If you want to preview your site with links enabled, click the Preview button on the bottom toolbar.
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Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37:
Posts: 311
Joined: 29 Nov 09
Hi Mark
I am in the Page Layout and when I click on the preview button at the bottom left that you are talking about I get this pop up message.

"You have the default extension of your site set to php."
"This may cause your site not to preview on your local machine. As php files require a php configured server to display regularly" Do you still want to preview Yes No

I may not be in preview, but in the video Aletta clicked on Page Layout her web site appeared with her page text, but when I clikck on page layout I get my web site with XsitePros sample page.

I entered the exact same pixel sizes as you and Aletta suggested but my web site is much smaller and wondered if this might be because I don't have one of my pages displayed.

Can you think of anything I screwed up on

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Larry Bauge
Posts: 194
Joined: 01 Jan 10
You need to switch off the php formatting returning back to html. Your preview mode only works in the html mode.

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This topic was started on Jan 14, 2010 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
