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How do I add html into the header of the AB WP Theme?

Posts: 9
Joined: 18 Mar 09

How do I add html into the header of the AB WP Theme?

AffiloBlueprint Theme for Wordpress:

I want to add html into the header .

Where should I add it below? Is it right after the <div id="header"> tag? I understand that I need to not show the title and description if I add html:

In AB Theme > Appearance > Editor > Header:

<div id="container">
<div id="header">
<? if ($ddm_header_text_disable == "false") { ?>
<? if ($ddm_title) { ?>
<? if (is_page_template('page_nosidebar.php')) { ?>
<h3><? echo $ddm_title; ?></h3>

<? } else { ?>

<h3><a href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/"><? echo $ddm_title; ?></a></h3>
<? } ?>

<? } else { ?>

<? if (is_page_template('page_nosidebar.php')) { ?>
<h3><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></h3>

<? } else { ?>

<h3><a href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a></h3>
<? } ?>
<? } ?>
<? if ($ddm_welcome_message) { ?>
<h2><? echo $ddm_welcome_message; ?></h2>

<? } else { ?>

<h4><?php bloginfo('description'); ?></h4>
<? } ?>

<? } else { ?>

<? } ?>
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Posts: 1895
Joined: 01 Jun 09
It really depends on what html code you want to put in.
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Posts: 9
Joined: 18 Mar 09
Thanks for your reply Faradina. Just a table with images and links for navigation. Simple html tags with <table><tr><td><a href=""><img src=""></a></td><tr></table> as an example.

Where should I place it to have the same header consistent on every page?

Thank you so much,

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Posts: 1895
Joined: 01 Jun 09
I'm not quite sure this will work because I do not have an idea of what you are trying to put into your header despite your reply, but you can try inserting your code just before the last </div> tag.
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Posts: 9
Joined: 18 Mar 09
Thank you,

Yes, it's only a table with images and links:

<table width="800" height="200">
<a href=""><img src=""></a>
<a href=""><img src=""></a>
<a href=""><img src=""></a>

That's basically it.

Thank you for your help.
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This topic was started on Sep 25, 2009 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
