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How do I add .au extension

Posts: 42
Joined: 23 Nov 09

How do I add .au extension

I am looking for a step by step breakdown of how I add a new extension to my site.

Basically, I have a .com site and I want to also cover another region and want to also buy .au extension.

Firstly I see that name cheap doesnt sell .au domains so I would have to buy it elsewhere.
Secondly, once I buy the new domain (it is available) how do I link it all together with my current .com site?

Once it is set up then I go about adding the site to local directories. Is that right?

Any other thoughts or ideas in relation to having extra site extensions would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance!
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Posts: 44
Joined: 27 Jul 10

This is something that you should take up with your web host. What you want to do is have a 'parked domain'. I think?... in other words your site content for will be delivered to your users browser if they type

Do a Google search for 'parked domains'

Personally, I'd just set up a new site for each domain using different content. This may not be want you want to hear I know but...

Consider cultural differences... Would you not use your Australian dialect in content for a site intended for Australians?

I know as a brit, if I were creating a site specifically aimed at Australians, I'd 'speak' differently than otherwise... same etc.

Food for thought?

Hope this helps


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Posts: 42
Joined: 23 Nov 09
Hi Ade,

Thanks for your reply. Yes, definately food for thought.

Thanks again.
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ampie g
Posts: 381
Joined: 15 Oct 08
Unlike other country domain names, you actually need to apply for .au domains. The Australian domain name registration has criteria you need to meet before you get an accreditation. You can read about that here:
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Posts: 197
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You can also check
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Site Admin
Posts: 1874
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gibowetz wrote:Once it is set up then I go about adding the site to local directories. Is that right?

If you want to target a particular location, the tips on this article might be helpful: How to rank high on Google for your targeted country users

If you want to rank in Australia, make sure you are listed in local directories. It would also be helpful to get some links from domains.
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