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Help with "siloing" pages please!

Posts: 173
Joined: 29 Apr 09

Help with "siloing" pages please!

we are putting a site together for a friend, and using Wordpress, 'cos it's all we know!

But we've run into a problem ans don't know the best way around it.
All the pages of the site are going to be "Pages" not "posts" as we want a static site similar to an Affiloblueprint site.
Some of the pages naturally fall under one heading, so I will set it up as Parent Page - 3 Child Pages.
But others really belong under more than one heading, and as pages cannot have more than one parentthat won't work.
I thought of trying Categories instead but then it has to be "posts", which will mess up the structure a bit.
We want to have a "blog" page where there will be an ongoing journal of sorts, so don't really want other posts mixed in with those.

Any suggestions? Are there any premium themes that allow pages to have more than one parent?

Thanks in advance, Jillian & John
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Posts: 174
Joined: 24 Apr 09
Have you tried plugins or dropdown menus
Search plugins
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Posts: 173
Joined: 29 Apr 09
Yes, I had thought about using a category exclusion plugin, but really I'd like a simpler, more "elegant" solution!

If I can't find a premium theme that allows it I think I might pay to get it coded for me.

Thanks anyway, Jillian
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Posts: 174
Joined: 24 Apr 09
yes wordpress is a pain for pages

thesis is one of the best, you can most anything with it
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This topic was started on Jun 29, 2011 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
